Photography Books & Tutorials
Focal Press The Copyright Zone: A Legal Guide For Photographers and Artists In The Digital Age
- Authors: Edward Greenberg/Jack Reznicki
- E-Book, 352 Pages
- Publisher: Routledge
- 2nd Edition, Published 2015
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David D. Busch Nikon D7200 Guide to Digital SLR Photography
- Author: David D. Busch
- Softcover, 544 Pages
- Handy Visual Guide
- Published September 2015
Roberto Valenzuela Wedding Storyteller, Volume 1: Elevating the Approach to Photographing Wedding Stories
Torsten Andreas Hoffmann The Art of Black and White Photography, 2nd Edition: Techniques for Creating Superb Images in a Digital Workflow
- Author: Torsten Andreas Hoffman
- Softcover, 264 Pages
- Published January 2012
Peachpit Press Video in Photoshop for Photographers and Designers (Electronic Download)
- Author: Colin Smith
- Electronic Download
- Publisher: Peachpit Press
- Date Published: December 18, 2012
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Peachpit Press E-Book: Real World Camera Raw with Adobe Photoshop CS4 (First Edition, Download)
- Author: Bruce Fraser & Jeff Schewe
- EPUB, 448 Pages
- Date Published: April 9, 2010
- Tips for Shooting & Editing Raw Files
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Peachpit Press E-Book: Layers: The Complete Guide to Photoshop's Most Powerful Feature (First Edition)
- Author: Matt Kloskowski
- EPUB, 264 Pages
- Date Published: 2010
- Instruction on Working with Layers
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New Riders Picture Perfect Practice: A Self-Training Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Taking World-Class Photographs (Electronic Download)
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New Riders The Headshot: The Secrets to Creating Amazing Headshot Portraits (Electronic Download)
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New Riders E-Book: Food Photography & Lighting: A Commercial Photographer's Guide to Creating Irresistible Images (First Edition)
- Author: Teri Campbell
- EPUB/MOBI/PDF, 288 Pages
- Date Published: 2012
- Tips on Lighting and Photographing Food
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Adobe Press E-Book: Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 Classroom in a Book (Download)
- Author: Adobe Creative Team
- 320 Pages
- 1st Edition
- Date Published: November 15, 2012
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Michael the Maven Canon Rebel XSi Crash Course DVD (Training Guide)
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Focal Press Book: Focus On Food Photography for Bloggers: Focus on the Fundamentals
Darrell Young Mastering the Nikon D810
- Author: Darrell Young
- In-Depth Guide
- Softcover, 608 Pages
- Published December 2014
Blue Crane Digital DVD and Guide: Combo Pack for the Canon EOS Rebel XSi Digital SLR Camera
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Focal Press Book: Photographing Flowers: Exploring Macro Worlds with Harold Davis
- By Harold Davis
- Capture Breathtaking Flower Images
- Tips and Techniques
- Filled with Inspiring Photographs
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Focal Press Book: Concert and Live Music Photography
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Blue Crane Digital DVD and Guide: Combo Pack for the Canon EOS 40D Digital SLR Camera
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Focal Press Book: Perception and Imaging; Photography--A Way of Seeing, Third Edition by Richard D Zakia
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Blue Crane Digital DVD and Guide: Combo Pack for the Canon EOS 30D Digital SLR Camera
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Blue Crane Digital DVD and Guide: Combo Pack for the Nikon D50 Digital SLR Camera
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Blue Crane Digital DVD and Guide: Combo Pack for the Nikon D70/70S Digital SLR Camera
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Focal Press Book: Photoshop Effects for Portrait Photographers
- By Christopher Grey
- Darkroom Techniques with Photoshop
- Painterly and Illustrative Techniques
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Blue Crane Digital DVD and Guide: Introduction to the Sony A100 - Combo Pack
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Focal Press Book/CD: Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques, Covering Photoshop CS3 by Derek Lea
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Focal Press Book: Plastic Cameras: Toying with Creativity (Paperback)
- Author: Michelle Bates
- Paperback: 272 Pages
- Publisher: Focal Press
- Published: 2011
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Focal Press Book: How to Cheat in Photoshop Elements 8 by David Asch, Steve Caplin
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Focal Press Book: The Essential Student Guide to Professional Photography (Paperback)
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Photography Books and Tutorials
It doesn't matter how experienced you are, there is always room to improve your photography. Even the best photographers consistently struggle to get their desired results. Sometimes the reasons are obvious, such as too slow a shutter speed or poor focus, but at other times, you're left perplexed as to what more you could do. This is where photography books and tutorials can help out. Written and produced by photographers who've been down the same road, they're full of practical insights on how to take and edit better pictures.
Photography Cheat Sheets
Today's cameras have incredible capabilities. Unfortunately, learning and remembering their features isn't so easy, especially as many cameras have manuals hundreds of pages long. Get around this with easy-to-use photography cheat sheets. These foldable, waterproof, full-color, double-sided sheets cover all camera features, and are great resources to take with you when you're out.
Learn how your camera works with digital photography books. These books include diverse topics such as the effects of sensor size and pixel density, as well as autofocus systems, image stabilization, ISO speed and lenses, and how to get the best out of your camera.
Learn Better Photographic Techniques
The best photography books explain camera basics such as the interaction between shutter speed, aperture, and exposure. Other topics include the effect of aperture on depth of field and how to use shutter speed to freeze action or obtain motion blur. More advanced books cover topics such as night photography, light painting, nature, and portrait photography. Understand more about your camera's video capabilities with videography books and tutorials.
Using Editing Software
Although most cameras take high-quality jpeg photos, further editing improves the final result, particularly if you shoot in RAW. Editing has always been a key aspect of film photography, and has remained just as important for digital photography. Photo editing and graphic design tutorials are an ideal way to learn how to use editing software, especially how techniques such as layers, shadows and highlights, spot removal, and filters enhance photos. Photography tutorials teach you how to use these techniques.
Appreciating Lighting Techniques
Proper lighting is critical when capturing compelling images. Too little light means dark, dull, and grainy photographs, while too much light leads to loss of detail. Whether shooting indoors, outdoors, or in a studio, lighting books and tutorials show you how to use natural and artificial lighting to improve your photography.
Choose from a wide selection of photography books and tutorials at B&H Photo and Video, and notch up the quality of your work.