A dedicated booklet for recording all of the pertinent data when working with film, this Analogbook Large Format Notebook is a sleek means for noting and organizing exposure and shooting information. Created for photographers working with large format sheet film, this customized 64-page notebook contains 60 sheets worth of templates for jotting shooting data sheet-by-sheet. In addition to the templated pages, the notebook also includes several pages of blank paper for making additional notes, drawings, or diagrams, and the interior covers are lined with useful photographic tips, charts, and tables for easy reference.
The notebook's 3.8 x 5.5" dimensions make it a convenient size for carrying in your pocket or camera bag, or storing in 4 x 5" film archival sleeves for safe storage. Each booklet is printed using vegetable-based inks on 100% recycled paper, and the back cover serves double-duty as an 18% reflectance gray card for exposure metering.