Much like learning to ride a bike or the first day of school, cyanotypes are a rite of passage for the photographically minded, or otherwise artistically inclined. Fun and experimental, this alternative photo process is one that can be continued with ease for a lifetime. Blue Sunprints makes it even easier to do so, with their Cyanotype Cotton Squares (8 x 8", 10 Pack, White). Pre-washed and pre-treated, these fabric sheets are ready to print out under the most natural camera you can find: the sun. Just pick the items you want for your designs, and get to it! The end result will be beautiful, blue and white images, reminiscent of a blue print.
Once exposed, these cyanotypes can be rinsed with non-phosphate detergent. They're safe for repeated washing as well, which makes them ideal for use on clothing, household linens, or other fabrics. And because both sides of the sheet can be printed on, the possibilities are endless. The durable cotton can also be embellished if so you choose with bead work, stitching, or other creative enhancements. The sheets are made from natural fibers, so, they're archival as well, meaning that they'll last for years to come.
Your design choices are nearly endless. Here are some ideas: Drawings or photographs that have been printed on transparencies or acetate. Actual objects such as leaves, flowers, string, toys, letters, hands, jewelry. Experiment with photographic negatives, x-rays, cut-outs or clip art, lace, and sheer fabrics. Use your imagination - try anything! Once you have chosen your design, lay it on the cyanotype material. To hold your design in place during your sun exposure, use a piece of clear glass or Plexiglas for a tight contact or lay your design loosely if there is no wind. You can also choose to pin your design down into a piece of cardboard or foam core
2. Expose your sun print
First make a test print by exposing your design in the sun for different lengths of time on a small section of cyanotype material (use the test print chart included in the instructions as a guide). Then choose the best exposure time to get the tone you want. To print on both sides of the cyanotype material, first expose one side to the sun using your desired exposure time, then turn the material over, lay the same or different design on the second side and expose it for any time you choose. Once you have exposed your sun print, remove your design
3. Rinse your sun print
When you rinse your print in water for a few minutes (until the water runs clear) your cyanotype print will begin to appear immediately. The print will be dark blue and your design will be the original white of the paper. If you want a darker effect, spray hydrogen peroxide on your rinsed print. The darker color will appear instantly