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Key Features
- Safe Solar Viewing with Nighttime OTAs
- For Detailed, High-Magnification Viewing
- Broad-Band Neutral-White Color
- Optical Density of 5.0
Currently Unavailable
Attention International Customers
Safe for Solar Observation
Warning: Viewing the Sun without proper protection can cause permanent eye damage, blindness, and equipment damage. As this product meets the standards of ISO 12312-2 specifications, though certification status is not available for such items (removable filters for optics and telescopes), it is safe for solar observation through its intended optics equipment. Always use approved ISO 12312-2 certified safety glasses when viewing the Sun directly. Never use photographic neutral density filters for direct solar viewing, viewing the sun through an optic, or when using cameras with an optical viewfinder.
Warning: Viewing the Sun without proper protection can cause permanent eye damage, blindness, and equipment damage. As this product meets the standards of ISO 12312-2 specifications, though certification status is not available for such items (removable filters for optics and telescopes), it is safe for solar observation through its intended optics equipment. Always use approved ISO 12312-2 certified safety glasses when viewing the Sun directly. Never use photographic neutral density filters for direct solar viewing, viewing the sun through an optic, or when using cameras with an optical viewfinder.
Alpine Astronomical ASTF-200 Overview
Alpine Astronomical ASTF-200 Reviews
See any errors on this page? Let us know
Is this the correct size for the Celestron ...
Is this the correct size for the Celestron Advanced VX 8 200mm f/5?
The Alpine Astronomical 200mm ASTF Baader AstroSolar 5.0 White-Light Solar Filter for Telescopes
BH #ALASTF200 • MFR #ASTF-200 would be the correct size for the Celestron Advanced VX 8 200mm f/5 GoTo Reflector Telescope
BH #CEAVX8NK • MFR #32062
Date published: 2022-10-09
Hello, I have a 14 "EdgeHD Aplanatic Catadioptric ...
Hello, I have a 14 "EdgeHD Aplanatic Catadioptric OTA celestron, my diameter of the telescope is higher, it could serve you, ...! Since I have not found any close to my aperture.
Which one should I use within these that the page shows?
Your telescope is 355.6mm, and the Alpine Astronomical 200mm ASTF Baader AstroSolar 5.0 White-Light Solar Filter for Telescope, works with 290mm, so it will not cover your scope.
Date published: 2020-10-02
And in that case, what do you recommend, what ...
And in that case, what do you recommend, what kind of filter to use ...?
Using that scope, you listed it is best to make your own using,
Alpine Astronomical Baader AstroSolar White-Light Safety Film 5.0 (Small A4 Sheet)
Date published: 2020-10-12