Designed to introduce users to the powerful possibilities of editing audio within the RX platform, iZotope’s RX Elements comprises four of the real-time modules inside of RX 7 alongside their standalone audio editor. This provides the ability to use spectral editing to visualize audio and make precision adjustments to the frequency spectrum. The software is available for download and can operate either as a standalone application or as a plug-in for Mac- and Windows-based DAWs and NLEs. Thus, it is suitable for editing audio and audio-for-video.
The four modules, which double as plug-ins, are De-click, De-clip, De-hum, and Voice De-noise. De-click allows you to eliminate troublesome clicks or pops that can arise from any number of errant issues. De-clip can significantly improve the quality of audio that has been pushed past the digital ceiling into the realms of unpleasant distortion. De-hum is useful in eliminating unwanted droning elements from recordings (such as refrigerator hums). The zero-latency Voice De-noise has been designed to focus on dialogue and vocals, giving you an optional Adaptive mode that can adjust to a changing noise floor in real time. There are also optimization modes for dialogue and music. When optimized for music, Voice De-noise can attenuate unwanted background noise from air conditioners, or street noise from vocals in apartment-recording scenarios.
Offline editing is also possible with RX Elements. In the standalone audio editor, you can use the module chain to quicken your flow, normalize audio, address its polarity, change its gain, and more. Additionally, you can use the spectral-editing capabilities to select specific parts of the frequency band and process only your selections—a useful tool for taming an unwanted frequency bloom, for example.