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Phase One Capture One Pro 11 (Download)

BH #CAC1PRO11 • MFR #50500459X
Phase One Capture One Pro 11 (Download)
Key Features
  • Image Processing and Raw File Conversion
  • Instant Tethered Capture and Live View
  • Layered Workflow and Annotations
  • Feather Mask and Refine Edge Tools
A comprehensive tool for both production and post-production, Capture One Pro 11 from Phase One is an advanced raw conversion, photo editing, and tethered shooting solution offering a high degree of control throughout a photographic workflow. Now fully supporting layer-based editing, version 11 has been updated for greater control during the retouching stages. Layers allow you to perform local adjustments with more precision, with the ability to control layer opacity and work from different Tool tabs for efficiency. Annotations also benefit retouchers and allow you to make hand-written notes or drawings on top of image files, which can then be saved as a separate layer when exporting the file as a PSD. A Feather Mask and Refine Edge feature also lend greater precision when making difficult selections and masks, and a Grey Scale feature can also be used to help make selections in a more objective and graphic fashion. Continuing its reputation as the workhorse of workflow, Capture One Pro 11 also brings enhanced editing and performance speeds and updated color handling, as well as an expanded feature-set to benefit the complete photographic process.
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Phase One Capture One Pro 11 Overview

A comprehensive tool for both production and post-production, Capture One Pro 11 from Phase One is an advanced raw conversion, photo editing, and tethered shooting solution offering a high degree of control throughout a photographic workflow. Now fully supporting layer-based editing, version 11 has been updated for greater control during the retouching stages. Layers allow you to perform local adjustments with more precision, with the ability to control layer opacity and work from different Tool tabs for efficiency. Annotations also benefit retouchers and allow you to make hand-written notes or drawings on top of image files, which can then be saved as a separate layer when exporting the file as a PSD. A Feather Mask and Refine Edge feature also lend greater precision when making difficult selections and masks, and a Grey Scale feature can also be used to help make selections in a more objective and graphic fashion. Continuing its reputation as the workhorse of workflow, Capture One Pro 11 also brings enhanced editing and performance speeds and updated color handling, as well as an expanded feature-set to benefit the complete photographic process.

Balancing the slew of additions, Capture One Pro 11 also maintains its vast existing set of editing and production features, including the ability to work with either Catalogs or Sessions types of organization, configurable and sortable keywords, compatibility with more than 400 individual cameras and raw file types, and rich metadata editing capabilities. For fine-tuned editing, a range of curves and color tools can be used in both global and local methods, as well as reap the benefits of working with full raw color data. When files have been converted to a DNG file type, Capture One can interpret the file's colors as if it were the original file type and a revised color editor interface now enables easier masking and selection capabilities based on specific color values. When saving files for the web, a redeveloped re-scaling engine works to maintain the original file's sharpness and clarity at smaller resized resolutions. Additionally, benefitting photographers working among a team or with other editors, both Catalogs and Sessions can also be exported as convenient EIP files for simplified sharing of imagery.

This item is delivered as a download and is a single-user license.

Capture One Pro 11
  • Annotations allow you to make handwritten notes and draw directly on top of your images to help remember an important area of an image, relay information to a retoucher, or for simply listing reminders for later. The Annotations can be saved as a separate layer in the exported PSD file for full-compatibility with other editing software.
  • A layered workflow now encompasses all adjustment tools and Local Adjustments have been renamed to Layers for applying selective edits and masks to images. Layers are accessible in various Tool tabs for intuitive use, and each layer's opacity can also be changed to vary its impact on the final image.
  • Feather Mask allows you to easily soften the edges of a mask after drawing it and avoids the need to redraw masks through the use of a slider to control feathering. Alternatively, there is also a Refine Edge feature for making more precise edges in a mask, such as when picking out hair against a background, and it can be used in conjunction with Auto Mask for a fast and powerful mask-making tool.
  • The Export Path can now be configured to apply crops to files when exporting to a PSD file type. The crop will be stored as a Path in the full-size exported PSD to allow for full retouching and alternative cropping later on.
  • A Duplicate Checker helps to ensure you don't import the same file twice to a Catalog or Session.
  • The Color Balance, Color Editor, White Balance, and other color-related tools have been revised for easier grading control and to help maintain smoother transitions when working with layers.
  • A Grey Scale feature lets you visualize your mask in a more objective way by displaying the image in black & white.
  • Editing and performance speeds have been improved for faster and smoother operation.
Well known for its color handling, Capture One includes a variety of tools to help ensure accurate and controllable color balance.
  • Custom-made color profiles from more than 400 different cameras are pre-loaded to help ensure straight-from-camera color accuracy for an ideal foundation from which to perform further adjustments to the raw image file.
  • An intuitive Color Balance Tool breaks down color grading with the ability to independently adjust hue and luminosity for shadows, mid-tones, and highlights.
  • In addition to color, a dedicated Black & White tool also affords full control over converting color originals to monochromatic grayscale images while minimizing noise for smooth tonality.
  • The Color Editor lets you adjust hue, saturation, and lightness for a specific range of colors for more selective control over certain colors in a scene.
  • A Skin Tone tool lets you refine and adjust skin tonality using three Uniformity sliders—hue, saturation, and lightness—without affecting the rest of the scene. These adjustments can also be applied as a local adjustment for even greater control.
Workflow and Performance
Ranging from customizable tools and shortcuts to improved graphics performance and tethered shooting, Capture One has been updated for enhanced efficiency to benefit all aspects of a digital workflow.
  • Images can be annotated with handwritten notes and drawings directly on the file, which help to point out important aspects of an image or can serve as notes to a retoucher or even just reminders for later editing. These annotations can be saved as a separate layer in an exported PSD file for added flexibility across editing applications.
  • Workspaces can be built and customized to suit your individual editing needs with the ability to hide, move, or resize tools, viewers, thumbnails, and icons.
  • One of the main assets of Capture One, tethered shooting support avails a versatile and flexible means for shooting directly to your computer with the ability to apply instant adjustments. Live View can be used, too, for large scale real time viewing while shooting.
  • Helping to ensure consistency and improve editing efficiency, adjustments can be copied from one file and applied to others. Individual adjustments can be copied along with entire editing processes to apply to a batch of files.
  • Styles and Presets can be applied to images to achieve a consistent and controlled look, ranging from built-in styles packs to custom-built presets to imported third-party styles.
  • Keyboard shortcuts help to quickly navigate the application and these shortcuts can be customized to suit your individual workflow. Additionally, support is also available for Tangent products for more tactile control over specific tools.
  • Process Recipes allow you to apply a series of adjustments to volumes of images, including the ability to export files into several formats, sizes, and locations with a single click, as well as apply consistent sharpening, ignore cropping, strip metadata, and apply watermarks.
  • Graphics acceleration makes full use of your graphics card to ensure a smoother working experience and faster processing times.
  • Compared to static, manually entered text, Tokens can be used as a dynamic solution to filling in naming, destination, watermarking, and other metadata based on specific information the files are bound to. Tokens can be created to cull specific information from a file, such as an exposure setting, for easily sorting files into folders, renaming them based on assignment, or for applying export commands.
Asset Management
Important for organizing small batches of images or libraries of thousands of files, a variety of asset management tools helps to keep files sorted and accessible regardless of how large your image collection is.
  • Full support is available for reading layered PSD files to enhance a workflow that uses both Capture One and Photoshop.
  • Catalog and Sessions offer two means for working with Capture One, and offer benefits to users with large-scale catalogs as well as those with fewer images. Catalogs are well-suited to those with large image libraries, and help when using Capture One as your main, standalone image editing tool. Sessions, conversely, are better designed for day-to-day jobs and smaller image batches.
  • Images can be filtered globally or specific filters can be used independently to create Smart Albums that organize images based on various specified criteria.
  • Keywords can be added and removed from images using simple clicks. Keyword libraries can also be created to manage different lists of sorted keywords for greater efficiency.
  • A variety of tools are available to rate, tag, and move images within Sessions or Catalogs for faster and easier culling of files.
  • Helping to make the switch to Capture One as easy as possible, there is importing support for many third-party application catalogs to maintain your existing folder structures and most image adjustments.
  • Three Activations: Each Capture One Pro 11 license includes three separate activations, allowing you to install the software on a home computer, a location laptop, and one other device.
Emphasizing image quality and editing control, numerous editing tools are available to preserve, recover, and optimize all of the desired information from your raw files.
  • Ideal for making precise local adjustments, up to 16 different Layers can be used on an image along with different brush options and opacity adjustments for controlled masking. Layer opacity can be adjusted to fine-tune your results, and editing controls also fully support the use of Wacom tablets.
  • Healing and Cloning processes can be used in conjunction with layers by creating specific layers to remove unwanted elements from your image. A Heal Layer blends with the surroundings of the targeted area while a Clone Layer will specifically clone in a source area to the targeted area.
  • Shadow and Highlight Recovery tools help to maintain a long tonal scale with rich, natural colors and a longer apparent dynamic range.
  • In addition to traditional RGB and individual color curves, there is also a Luma Curve for adjusting luminosity values without affecting hue and saturation. Additional curves can also be used to fine-tune the look of your file, including Film Curves for producing distinct effects.
Details and Lens Profiles
Beyond image editing controls, additional tools and features utilize all available data from your raw files in order to provide the most comprehensive range of adjustment capabilities.
  • Three-Phase Sharpening Tools: Rather than utilizing a single sharpening method, three stages of sharpening are now available, and are optimized for specific stages of post-production. During input, deconvolution sharpening is used; while working with imagery, the Creative stage, sharpening methods are based on user input and dependent on content; and during Output, sharpening is based on the selected final medium, image size, or print media type.
  • Input Sharpening: When inputting imagery, you have the option to correct for diffraction by automatically reducing the appearance of blur caused by diffraction while shooting.
  • Creative Sharpening: User input is used for more localized and specific sharpening while editing imagery, and can be performed using the general sharpening tool, or various sharpening tools in local adjustments. Radius, Threshold, and Halo Suppression sliders allow you to fine-tune the amount and quality of sharpening.
  • Output Sharpening: In recipe's adjustments tabs, levels of sharpening can be defined based on various exporting and outputting concerns. A dedicated proofing function can be used for making fine-tuned adjustments, and when sharpening for print output, you can specify the intended viewing distance for optimized sharpening.
  • Output Proofing: Allowing you to generate specific recipes for various output concerns, this mode lets you imitate the final size, resolution, color, and sharpening in a dedicated viewer, making it especially useful for outputting small files for web and for optimizing compression quality.
  • Helping to improve contrast and definition, Clarity is a tool that enhances local and micro contrast values without destroying highlight and shadow details while Structure helps to add definition to fine details.
  • Six different types of Film Grain can be added to images to give a distinct filmic appearance, and Impact and Granularity sliders can be used to fine-tune the look of each grain setting.
  • A dedicated Moiré tool affords a simple, seamless way to manage difficult aliasing patterns. This tool can also be applied as a Local Adjustment for greater control.
  • Using camera model and ISO settings as a base, intelligent Noise Reduction can be applied to produce cleaner image quality while preserving details.
  • A simple solution to correcting perspective distortions, the Keystone tool lets you define areas of concern and correct them with a single click.
  • An extensive library of built-in lens profiles, from both manufacturers and Capture One, lets you correct distortion, chromatic aberration, and light falloff for a variety of lenses.

Phase One Capture One Pro 11 Specs

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Phase One Capture One Pro 11 Reviews

See any errors on this page? Let us know


Why is this single user only? The manufacturer offers up to three computers for the same price.
Asked by: Vincent
with a Single User License you get 3 seats to load on 3 separate computers
Answered by: Anonymous
Date published: 2018-10-24


can I use single user on my laptop and my desktop?
Asked by: Alfonso
Yes, you can
Answered by: Geraldo O Sales Junior D.
Date published: 2018-08-27


Why is there such variation in price? Ive seen the same title (Capture One Pro Version 11- Download) for many different prices here. I see no difference in the description. What is the difference?
Asked by: Titus
If you need a single license for Capture one Pro 11 there is a download version and a physical card version which both have the same exact price and no difference in features. All the other versions are upgrades or multi-license packs which would not apply to you if you only need a single license and you are not upgrading from a previous version. If you have any specific questions about the version you need, please reach out to us via Live chat, Phone or Email so we can clarify. [email protected].
Answered by: Jacob C.
Date published: 2018-08-27


Is this a one-time, stand alone purchase? Will I be able to use it next year or will I need to pay for a subscription?
Asked by: Titus
This is a one time purchase and is not a subscription.
Answered by: Geoffrey N.
Date published: 2018-11-12


I am currently using Capture One Pro 11 trail version. If I purchase from B&H will I simply be able to enter the activation code in the one I am using or will I have to download again?
Asked by: Kerry G.
Hello,Thank you for your interest in Capture One softwareNo need to download this again. You will just have to enter the code you purchaseRight now B&H has a WPPI special price for this 25% off it is currenty 224.00
Answered by: Phase One Expert
Date published: 2018-08-28
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