The ZEISS Supreme Prime 65mm T1.5 lens features an interchangeable PL mount and is marked in feet. The lens covers Full Frame sensors with a 46.2mm image circle. The internal focus design provides minimal focus breathing and a non-rotating front. The focus ring rotates 300° from a close focus of 24" to infinity, providing plenty of room for precise focus pulls. The iris is made up of 16 blades arranged to create circular, out-of-focus highlights. Both the focus and iris rings incorporate industry standard 0.8 MOD, 32-pitch drive gears, and the lenses within the Supreme lineup share the same gear positions, making for rapid lens changes.
The lens is fast at T1.5, yet has only a 95mm front diameter. This allows you to use a wide variety of matte boxes from handheld to studio size. The lens also weighs only 3.59 pounds, while featuring an interchangeable mount system. The PL mount passes metadata and is compatible with both the Cooke /i and the ZEISS Xtended Data systems.