This 100mm T2.8 Anamorphic/i 1.8x Full Frame Plus Prime Lens provides an anamorphic version of the classic, natural yet sharp "Cooke look". Designed for both digital cinema and film use, the Cooke Anamorphic/i Full Frame Plus primes cover image formats up to full frame. Each prime lens provides a 1.8x squeeze that rides a sweet spot between optimal pixel capture and a classic anamorphic look. For maximum optical performance, aberration, flare, and distortion control extend over the entire image area and throughout the 100mm's T2.3-T22 aperture range. The Anamorphic/i Full Frame Plus primes are color-balanced and color-matched with other Cooke lens series.
Each lens sports both a hardened PL mount and a cable connection that use Cooke's /i Technology to transmit lens data to compatible cameras. Lens setting data including focal length, aperture, focus, depth of field, and more are provided in both feet and metric measurements.
The 100mm Anamorphic/i Plus prime lens features a 3' minimum focus from the lens front, engraved focus markings in feet on one side and meters on the other, and a hard, anodized finish. The lens is constructed with 0.8 MOD geared focus and iris rings, for use with follow focus, zoom control, and wireless FIZ systems. A large lens barrel with 270° of rotation, an increased number of focus marks, and Cooke's cam-style focus movement enable precise focus pulls. Most of the Cooke anamorphic series, including this 100mm prime, share a common 110mm size front diameter.
Aaton, Andra, Angenieux, ARRI, Atomos, AVID
Birger Engineering, Blackmagic Design, Canon, Chrosziel, Cinematography Electronics
CMotion, Codex, CW Sonderoptics, Element Technica, Fujinon, gbi, IB/E Optics, Leitz, Lexhag
Mark Roberts Motion Control, OptiTek, Ovide, Panavision, Pomfort, P+S Technik, Preston Cinema Systems
RED, Service Vision, Sigma, Sony, The Foundry, The Pixel Farm, Transvideo, Vision Research, Vitec, ZEISS