Isolate your turntable or other audio gear from unwanted external vibration with the maple wood IsoAcoustics DELOS 22x16x3" Turntable Isolation Stand. The stylus navigating the tiny variations in the groove of a vinyl record is a delicate process that is very sensitive. Decoupling the turntable from the surface it sits on can dramatically diminish structural vibrations and resonances, enhancing clarity and detail. This DELOS Turntable stand combines a maple hardwood butcher block with 6 integrated IsoAcoustics isolators to achieve just that. The Maple butcher blocks have a light amber color and are ultra-durable with a Janka hardness score of 1450.
Maple or Walnut?
Maple and walnut were chosen based on appearance, hardness, and performance. Maple and walnut are considered superior tonal woods, commonly used in the manufacture of fine guitars, pianos, and violins. The difference between maple and walnut is mainly in their appearance. The maple and walnut platforms provide the same level of performance. Maple and walnut platforms are known for their detailed, transparent and uncolored sound. The walnut board has a Janka Hardness rating of 1450 and the walnut has a hardness rating of 1100. The hardness also makes the platforms very durable and resistant to scratches and dents. The butcher blocks are sealed with a urethane-based satin finish, which is resistant to stains and most solvents.
Choosing the Right Model
The DELOS model should be selected based on the weight and dimensions of the turntable or component that it will be supporting. IsoAcoustics recommend measuring the distance between the feet of your turntable or component and comparing the width and depth of the DELOS butcher blocks to verify how they will fit. IsoAcoustics also provides an online calculator for help in determining which model is recommended. The online calculator will make a product recommendation, and you can submit an inquiry to have the recommendation reviewed by an IsoAcoustics representative. To get started, visit and click the product selector.
Janka Hardness
The Janka hardness test created by Austrian-born American researcher Gabriel Janka is a measure of the hardness of wood. The test measures the force required to push a steel ball with a diameter of 0.444 inches into the wood to a depth of half the ball's diameter. The diameter was chosen to produce a circle with an area of 100 square millimeters. The higher the rating, the harder and more durable the wood. Typically, wood used for flooring would have a rating of 1000 or higher.