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Key Features
- Artists, Musicians, and Producers
- Thunderbolt 3 Connectivity
- Ins: 2 Mic / Line / Hi-Z, 2 Line / Hi-Z
- Outs: 2 Headphone, 2 Monitor, 2 Line
Take pro-grade conversion, clocking, and preamps anywhere you go with the Antelope Zen Q Synergy Core, a desktop 14x10 Thunderbolt 3 audio interface that puts premium sound quality in a convenient bus-powered format that's priced within reach of artists and musicians recording at home, mobile producers, and content creators. In addition to the revealing quality of its hardware, the Zen Q Synergy Core empowers you with 37 analog-modeled real-time effects, which are powered by the onboard DSP and FPGA chips to ensure ultralow latency and no burden on your computer's CPU.
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Approximately how much power willl this provide ...
Approximately how much power willl this provide to my Beyerdynamic Dt 1990 pro 250 ohm headphones in watts and milliwatts? Is the interface enough power alone with out an after market headphone amp?
I contacted technical support at Antelope directly and while they do not have a specification for the power of the headphone output on the Zen Q Synergy Core Desktop 14x10 Thunderbolt 3 Audio Interface, they did tell me that they had previously tested this interface with different 250 ohm headphones and felt that the volume level was sufficient for general monitoring purposes. However, what each person considers sufficient volume is subjective and what works for one person may not work well for another person. If you will want to have high volume or very strong bass, then you will most likely want to use a separate headphone amp with the Beyerdynamic DT 1990 Pro headphones.
Date published: 2023-07-16
Approximately how much watts or milliwats of ...
Approximately how much watts or milliwats of power can this provide to my Beyerdynamic Dt 1990 pro headphones?
The specific information regarding the headphone output impedance or power on the Antelope Zen Q Synergy Core Desktop 14x10 Thunderbolt 3 Audio Interface is not made publicly available by the manufacturer.
Date published: 2023-07-16