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Best Service Alpine Volksmusik 2 Software and Instrument Collection (Download)

BH #BE78135 • MFR #1133-200
Best Service Alpine Volksmusik 2 Software and Instrument Collection (Download)
Key Features
  • 21 Swiss and Austrian Instruments
  • 42 Patches
  • Multiple Articulations per Instrument
  • Key Switches
Musicians and producers looking to add authentic Swiss folk music, Austrian Stubenmusik, and German Marching music will be thrilled with this electronic download of Best Services Alpine Volksmusik 2 Instrument Collection, an independent virtual instrument and collection that allows you to play samples from 42 instruments to bring you the authentic sounds of Swiss Folk Music, Austrian Stubenmusik, and German Marching Music.
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Best Service 1133-200 Overview

Musicians and producers looking to add authentic Swiss folk music, Austrian Stubenmusik, and German Marching music will be thrilled with this electronic download of Best Services Alpine Volksmusik 2 Instrument Collection, an independent virtual instrument and collection that allows you to play samples from 42 instruments to bring you the authentic sounds of Swiss Folk Music, Austrian Stubenmusik, and German Marching Music.

Powered by the included Best Service Engine player, this virtual instrument makes use of key switches to trigger different articulations. Furthermore, the included Engine allows you to adjust specific characteristics of each instrument and tailor it to your specific needs, giving you control over volume, panning, reverb, and more. This virtual instrument is compatible with Mac and Windows platforms, and can operate in standalone, AU, and VST formats.

The Swiss are represented by two Schwyzerörgelis, the Swiss version of the Diatonic accordion. A five-course Appenzell dulcimer, an Alphorn ensemble, and a bowed double bass complete the typical Swiss instrumentation.

Included Instruments:

  • Accordion | Alphorns | Berner Oergeli | Clarinet Swiss
  • Contrabass Swiss | Dulcimer Appenzeller | Nussbaumer Oergeli
Austria offers a collection of instruments for Stubenmusik, probably the most original form of alpine folk music. Instruments like zither, guitar, harp, and plucked double bass build the foundation. In addition, this group includes Styrian harmonicas (Steirische), an accordion, an ocarina, and a recorder. The Schuhplattler provides a rustic atmosphere with clapping and stomping. In case you missed the three-voiced chromatic dulcimer developed by the Salzburg musician Tobi Reiser, you can get that instrument in the separately available original library Alpine Volksmusik 1.

Inlcuded Instruments:

  • Accordion Austria | Alpine Plattler | Contrabass | Harp | Jew´s Harp
  • Ocarina | Recorder | Rhythm Guitar | Steirische Pix | Steirische Vintage
  • Steirische Reed 8´ | Steirische Reed 8´8´ | Steirische Reed 8´8´+ | Steirische Reed 8´8´8´
  • Steirische Reed 8´8´8´+ | Zither
Folk music from Germany is represented by marching music sounds. Wind and brass instruments like clarinet, trumpet, flugelhorn, tenor horn, and tuba, come as solo and ensemble versions. Drum and percussion instruments are available offering various articulations.

Included Instruments:

  • Bb Tuba | Bb Tubas | Clarinet Ensemble | Clarinet | Clarinets | Cornet
  • Flugelhorn | Flugelhorns | Flute | Flutes | Glockenspiel | Piccolo Flute
  • Percussion | Tenorhorn | Tenorhorns | Trombone | Trumpet | Waldhorn

Best Service 1133-200 Specs

Delivery Format
License Type
Standard: Perpetual License
User Support
1 User
Sound Type
Historical Instruments
Library Size
917 MB
Standalone Operation
System Compatibility/Requirements
Operating System: macOS/Windows
Software Requirements: Universal Supporting Plug-in Format AU / VST / AAX (Native) 

Best Service 1133-200 Reviews

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