Tap into the musical heritage of India and China for your film, TV, and game scores with SONUSCORE Esraj & Erhu Ethnic String Phrases, a virtual instrument library offering over 670 matchless and live-recorded phrases performed on two historical stringed instruments. As long as you run a full version of Native Instruments KONTAKT 5.8.1 or later on your Mac or Windows computer, you can access all the content and even adjust vital performance settings and effects through a clean and intuitive user interface.
This library features Esraj (North Indian) and Erhu (Chinese) stringed instruments plus 19 diverse themes, each with 15 different phrases covering starting, middle, and end segments. Erhu legato and Esraj sustain instruments are also included, so you can easily connect or extend existing phrases.
The Erhu is a Chinese spike fiddle with two strings. It is known for its strength of character in spite of being so versatile in both traditional and contemporary music arrangements.