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boom LIBRARY SOUNDWEAVER Audio-Layering Wizard Application (Download)

BH #BO1130473 • MFR #11-30473
boom LIBRARY SOUNDWEAVER Audio-Layering Wizard Application (Download)
Key Features
  • Creates New Sounds from Existing Library
  • Inspirational Sound-Design Workflow
  • Explore the Depths of Your Sound Library
  • Powerful Randomization and Automation
Looking to create new sounds from the library you have built over the years? Check out SOUNDWEAVER from BOOM Library, a standalone application that automatically picks a few sounds out of thousands for you, depending on the keywords and metadata you want, syncs them up and delivers suggestions for new sound design compositions. If you don’t like the result, simply repeat the process for a new suggestion or simply swap a few sound effects for further tweaking. SOUNDWEAVER is Mac and Windows compatible and will work in most DAWs that support VST, AU, and AAX formats.
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boom LIBRARY 11-30473 Overview

Looking to create new sounds from the library you have built over the years? Check out SOUNDWEAVER from BOOM Library, a standalone application that automatically picks a few sounds out of thousands for you, depending on the keywords and metadata you want, syncs them up and delivers suggestions for new sound design compositions. If you don’t like the result, simply repeat the process for a new suggestion or simply swap a few sound effects for further tweaking. SOUNDWEAVER is Mac and Windows compatible and will work in most DAWs that support VST, AU, and AAX formats.

At a Glance
  • SOUNDWEAVER automatically picks, slices, aligns, and layers sounds
  • Search by keywords, folders, or drag and drop
  • Pitch, offset, gain, shuffle, and switch out individual sounds, groups, or the whole project
  • Each of the previous parameters can be randomized.
  • Export: Drag and drop the project into your DAW
  • Export as: Individual layers, groups, or mixdown
  • Export features: Generate variations using pitch, offset, or random takes
  • Take snapshots and return to your favorite combinations, parameter settings, and sounds at will
Use Cases
  • Produce more assets and increase productivity on tight schedules
  • Set up your sound-design session with ready-to-use sound combinations
  • Generate variations with ease instead of manually tweaking everything
  • Find new combinations and discover and create new flavors and variety within your library
Automate and Randomize Your Workflow
  • SOUNDWEAVER searches your sound library with the help of keywords or folder paths and picks matching sounds for your project.
  • Sounds are automatically sorted, grouped, layered, aligned, and split into regions (if files contain multiple variations).
  • Now you can pitch, offset, gain, shuffle, and randomize individual sounds, groups, or the whole project. The possibilities are endless.
  • Take snapshots of your favorite combinations and settings. Create as many snapshots as you like, and return to them later in the process.
  • Drag and drop the project into your DAW for further editing or export the final mix.
  • SOUNDWEAVER can generate countless variations from your project during export via pitch, offset, and take randomization.

boom LIBRARY 11-30473 Specs

License Type
System Requirements
Memory Requirement
8 GB
Storage Requirement
30 MB
CPU Requirement
Intel Core i5 and Faster or 
Internet Connection Required

boom LIBRARY 11-30473 Reviews

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