This Focal Reducer HD for AX103S & VC200L Telescopes from Vixen Optics reduces focal length—from the native 825 to 635mm (0.77x) and f/8.0 to 6.0 for the AX103S telescope, and from the native 1800 to 1386mm (0.77x) and f/9.0 to 6.9 for the VC200L. These faster focal ratios produce brighter and more colorful images, with shorter exposure times, than imaging with a slower focal ratio. For video astronomy, the faster ratios reduce noise and increase clarity.
With both telescopes, the reducer can be used without the SD Flattener HD. The AX103S will cover the imaging field of a DSLR camera with a full-format sensor with a 44mm image circle (28.8mm of an APS-C sensor). The VC200L delivers a 36mm image circle (peripheral illumination 60%), fully covering the imaging field of a DSLR camera with an APS-C sensor, and also offers comparably sharp images with the center in spite of 47% peripheral illumination at a 44mm image circle. It covers the imaging field of a DSLR camera with an image circle of 28mm with an APS-C sensor and 44mm with a full-format sensor.