Shoot full-frame cine images at a wide-open T1.4 while bringing that renowned "Cooke Look" to your images with the S8/i Full Frame Plus 32mm T1.4 Prime Lens from Cooke. This 32mm lens is part of Cooke's S8/i lens set and features a PL mount for rock-solid mounting. It shares consistent focus and iris gear positions across the S8/i lineup for fast lens swaps while optically providing warm, wide-to-normal shots with an organic feel that does not sacrifice sharpness. Shooting at T1.4 allows you to get an extra stop of exposure when shooting in dim conditions or chasing that last shot of the day.
Designed to cover full-frame cinema camera sensors and suitable for studio, location, handheld, stabilizer, and drone shooting, it is color-matched to other Cooke lenses and has focus markings on both sides of the lens. The PL mount incorporates i/Technology contacts that feed lens information metadata to compatible cameras, including focus distance, aperture, and depth of field. A cam-type focus mechanism with a large lens barrel diameter allows for precision focus markings, especially at close focus, while the 9-leaf iris is marked in whole and thirds of a stop for accurate exposure.