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PreSonus Studio One 6 Artist Music Production Software (Educational, Download)

PreSonus Studio One 6 Artist Music Production Software (Educational, Download)
Key Features
  • Educational
  • Produce, Record, Edit, and Mix
  • New Plug-In UIs and Enhancements
  • Up to 64-Bit / 384 kHz Resolution
PreSonus Studio One 6 Artist offers a powerful solution for producing music and podcasts in home setups and project studios. Featuring a flow-oriented drag-and-drop interface, the software is built for intuitive use, speed, and efficiency. This latest version provides substantial upgrades and updates including a customizable user interface, smart templates, and advanced collaboration with PreSonus Sphere, plus, a new De-Esser plug-in and improved ProEQ3, Autofilter, and numerous other enhancements.
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PreSonus STUDIO ONE 6 ARTIST Overview

PreSonus Studio One 6 Artist offers a powerful solution for producing music and podcasts in home setups and project studios. Featuring a flow-oriented drag-and-drop interface, the software is built for intuitive use, speed, and efficiency. This latest version provides substantial upgrades and updates including a customizable user interface, smart templates, and advanced collaboration with PreSonus Sphere, plus, a new De-Esser plug-in and improved ProEQ3, Autofilter, and numerous other enhancements.

Studio One 6 Artist is designed to deliver full audio and MIDI recording and editing capabilities and powerful mixing features. There are no limits on track count, so you can keep adding layers upon layers. It also provides 64-bit float WAV format for optimal recording and playback with interfaces that utilize 32-bit converters. When it comes to finishing your project, you can even export/publish directly to SoundCloud. The software supports Studio One Remote, allowing convenient remote control from your iPad or Android tablet. Perfect for Mac- and Windows-based production systems, Studio One 6 Artist is compatible with any ASIO, Windows Audio, or Core Audio compliant audio interface, including the entire line of PreSonus interfaces.

This item is available to qualified educational individuals.
What's New in Version 6
Customizable User Interface
The new Customization Editor in Studio One 6 provides a convenient and easy way to show or hide nearly all tools and functions. Changes are applied instantly and settings are saved, so you can show or hide any feature as needed to create a streamlined and focused workflow for the task at hand.
Smart Templates
Smart Templates provide essential toolsets for basic recording, beat making, mixing stems, mastering an album, podcasting, setting up a live show, and more. Templates can even include step-by-step guides, and convenient drop zones allow you to easily import content like audio, video, and MIDI files.
Advanced Collaboration with PreSonus Sphere
Studio One 6 deepens the integration between your desktop application and your PreSonus Sphere Workspaces with convenient sharing and sync options.
New and Improved Plug-Ins
De-esser (New)

  • Tame vocal sibilance and other high-frequency sounds with the new De-esser. The De-esser in Studio One is efficient and intuitive to use. Find the problematic frequency with the Listen button, then dial in the amount of S-Reduction using the associated knob together with the S-Mon function.

ProEQ3 (Improved)

  • The latest incarnation of ProEQ delivers two new powerful features, making it an indispensable tool for producers and mixing engineers. Each frequency band can now be soloed, so you can easily hear even the most surgical adjustments in isolation. In addition to solo, each band now features a dynamic mode to trigger boosts or cuts of the desired frequency band dynamically based on a set amplitude threshold.

Autofilter (Improved)

  • The popular Autofilter plug-in has been updated to offer several useful enhancements including independent Attack and Release controls for the envelope, and a Flip option to invert the modulation phase in the LFO section.
Advanced Features and Enhancements
Note Controller support for Mai Tai, Sample One XT, and Presence XT

  • Mai Tai, Sample One XT, and Presence XT now offer support for compatible controllers to modulate individual notes in a chord independently using Poly Pressure (polyphonic aftertouch) or MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression). In Mai Tai and Presence XT, pitch, pressure, and timbre are available as modulation sources inside the modulation matrix, allowing these to be routed to any available destination. In Sample One XT, the pressure parameter is connected to the AMP and Filter. The amount can be controlled with a knob.

Virtual Instrument Side-Chain Support

  • Virtual instruments (VST2, VST3, AU) like samplers and vocoders that require an external audio source now have access to any audio source within the mixer using a side-chain input. Similar to FX plug-ins with a side-chain input, the side-chain signal can be routed conveniently either from the source or destination. Aux channels may be used to route external audio signals to a virtual instrument using a side-chain.

Alternative Panning Modes

  • Stereo channels now feature a choice of pan modes. You can choose between balance, dual, or binaural panning for any stereo channel. The new panner pop-up editor provides a large pan control, a context menu to switch between modes, plus dedicated controls for each mode. The basic balance control remains available in all mixer views, as well as a standard pan control for external hardware controllers.

Browser Favorites and Folders

  • Studio One’s innovative Browser gets even better in version 6. Organize plug-in and instrument presets into custom folders that you can create right inside the Browser. Presets for plug-ins and virtual instruments can now be marked as Favorites. Presets marked as Favorites are automatically mirrored inside a new Favorites folder at the top of the respective preset list.

Start Page

  • Studio One’s Start Page is now even more flexible. Organize your Songs, Projects, and Shows into custom folders allowing you to put all the files associated with a single artist or production in one convenient location. Pin favorites documents and view all your shared PreSonus Sphere documents in a single folder. Producers and mixing engineers working with multiple artists can now manage and create a unique Artist Profile preset for each client. Each profile includes name, genre, website, and an image—all of which are embedded as ID3 tags when exporting a mixdown for streaming or digital download.

Other Notable Additions

  • Sends on FX Channels, allowing the output signal of one effect to be sent to another.
  • Side-chain audio input for virtual instruments
  • Bus, FX, and Cue Mix sends now have the option to link panning to the channel pan control. Cue Mix sends provide independent link options for Volume and Pan.
  • Micro view controls for third-party plug-ins
  • Track and Channel Icons
  • Spot option for Events offers a number of options for positioning vvents on the timeline based on event attributes such as start/end points or their original timecode position.
General Features
Composing and Sequencing
Channel Visibility Filters

  • The Console Channel List provides a variety of visibility filters, so you can adapt the Console to the aspects of the Song relevant to your current work. Filter options include: Audio Channels, Instrument Channels, FX Channels, Bus Channels, VCAs, and Aux Channels.

Drum Editor

  • Studio One features an innovative streamlined Drum View to edit drum parts as fast as you can think. Drum View lets you name pitches by instrument, and with one click, you can hide any pitch not used for drum notes, creating a much cleaner look for drum parts that’s easy on the eyes and much clearer for editing. Combined with Impact XT and hundreds of preconfigured pitch names and mapping scripts available free from PreSonus Exchange, the new Drum Editor is like an accelerator for drum editing.

Live Arranging

  • Stay in the moment while performing with backing tracks using the Arranger Track on the Show Page. Experiment on the fly while you're on stage or streaming live with five playback modes available on a per-section basis: Continue, Stop at End, Skip, Loop, or Loop and Continue.

Note Controller Support

  • Studio One supports note controllers that can affect individual notes rather than the entirety of a track. With compatible MIDI controllers, you can use polyphonic aftertouch and MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression).

Notion Integration

  • Studio One’s Score View provides powerful notation features. But when it’s time to get serious, you need real notation software. That’s where award-winning Notion comes into play. Send note data right from Studio One to Notion to create lead sheets and printed scores.


  • Get step sequencing fast with Studio One’s Patterns. Patterns are perfect for step programming and changing variations on the fly. Even better, patterns are playable, real-time sequencers. You can change every parameter on a per-step basis.

Presence XT

  • Presence XT is a powerful polyphonic sample player with a multi sample layer architecture and built-in synth features and effects. You also get key switch-compatible Sound Variations for nuanced, lifelike sounds; adjustable fret noise for guitars and basses, drawbar controls for Hammond organ presets, and more.

Aux Channels

  • Studio One lets you incorporate your favorite hardware synths into your digital productions as easily as virtual instruments thanks to Aux Channels. Aux Channels feed any external audio into the Studio One Mixer without having to create an Audio Track that clutters your session.

Note Actions

  • Note-editing options are at the heart of MIDI editing in Studio One. The Note Actions menu offers fast, intuitive editing and composition and includes creative note-editing options for Instrument Tracks, including Randomize, Apply Scale, Mirror, and more. All of these are assignable to keyboard shortcuts and included in macros.

Note Repeat

  • Fully remote-controllable from any MIDI controller, Note Repeat has its own section in the Record Panel, where you can activate/deactivate it, quickly switch between different note values, and activate/deactivate Note Erase. Set the gate time for notes and use key or poly pressure to control note velocity.
MIDI and Audio Editing
High-Resolution Note Editing

  • Studio One works with all the standard MIDI gear you know and love, from controllers to tone modules. But once MIDI data arrives into Studio One, it’s converted to a high-resolution, 32-bit internal format, which makes it ready to support high-resolution MIDI 2.0.

Note Controller Support

  • Studio One supports note controllers that can affect individual notes rather than the entirety of a track. With compatible MIDI controllers, you can use polyphonic aftertouch and MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression).

Note Editor

  • Studio One’s piano view Note Editor is instantly familiar to anyone who has worked with MIDI—and perfectly intuitive to those who haven’t. A MIDI controller can be used to input notes traditionally or via Step Entry mode, and several tools support note entry and editing via mouse.

64-Bit WAV Recording

  • Studio One provides the highest-resolution audio production and mastering, thanks to its support for 64-bit floating-point WAV format—the recommended recording format for audio interfaces with 32-bit resolution. With this format option, the maximum recording and processing precision now reaches 64-bit / 786 kHz. When resolution matters, choose Studio One.

ARA 2.0 Support

  • Give those pitchy vocals a gentle nudge closer to home, revoice or harmonize vocals, tune that bass, or create extreme vocal effects using Celemony Melodyne, Antares Auto-Tune Pro, Synchro Arts VocAlign, ReVoice Pro, and any other audio manipulation plug-in that supports ARA 2.0.

Audio Clip Versions

  • Create new versions of audio clips to add more creative freedom to clip-based editing. Use multiple versions of a clip that references the same audio file to try alternative edits with Melodyne, Bend Markers, or Gain Envelopes to dial in just the effect you need.


  • Studio One’s Comping tools make the once-tedious task of assembling a perfect take simple, efficient, and fun. Simply set up some loop points and record take after take without ever stepping out of your groove.

Multitrack Drum Editing

  • When it comes to multitrack drum editing, Studio One provides a robust suite of tools and features, including grouping, guide tracks, transient detection, and various slicing and time-stretching methods—all inside the convenient Audio Bend Panel. It's like having your own personal rhythm investigator on the job.

Smart Tools

  • The combination of the Arrow and Range Tools boosts your audio editing efficiency by combining the most frequently used tools into one. Select, move, split, or duplicate Events; trim start- and end-points of Events; adjust fades; and change the overall Event level in one seamless action.

Time Lock / Edit Lock

  • Studio One helps you to prevent unintentional edits—or worse, accidental timeline movements—with Time Lock and Edit lock. Individual Audio Events, Audio Parts, and Instrument Parts in the Arrangement window can be Time Locked to prevent unintentional moving or Edit Locked to prevent unintentional editing.
Mixing and Mastering
 Advanced Grouping

  • When you need more than a simple temporary group to raise or lower the level of several channels at once, Studio One has you covered with a powerful edit-and-mix grouping system.

Aux Channels

  • Studio One lets you incorporate your favorite hardware synths into your digital productions as easily as virtual instruments thanks to Aux Channels.

Channel Overview

  • The Channel Overview window provides a single, consolidated view of all Channel parameters including input controls, Inserts, Sends, and Cue Mix Sends for the selected channel.

Cue Mix

  • Cue Mixes let you create monitor mixes quickly and easily, right from the Console. Cue Mixes can now be flipped to the main Console faders to quickly dial in a complete mix.

Easy Side-Chain Routing

  • Every Studio One Native Effects dynamics plug-in has easy side-chain routing so you can get the sound you want without routing headaches you don’t need.

Event-Based Effects

  • Ever get tired of automating the bypass on an insert plug-in? Yeah, we do, too; that’s why we made adding Event-based real-time effects fast and easy.

Listen Bus

  • The Listen Bus in Studio One’s Console provides a control room feed independent of the main output. Solo a track for the Control Room without affecting the Main or Cue Mixes.

Mixer Scenes

  • Mixer Scenes are complete Mixer snapshots and can be saved at any time and recalled in their entirety, or filtered to include volume, pan, mute, inserts, sends, cue mix settings, input controls, or any combination of them.

Pop-Up Faders

  • Pan and both FX Sends and CueMix Sends have convenient pop-up-faders, providing an enlarged version of the level and pan faders for improved accessibility and fine adjustments.

Target Loudness for Digital Release

  • Releasing your audio for digital distribution is the fastest way to grow your audience, but every service has its own target loudness and peak level requirements that must be matched.

Tempo Track and Tempo Detection

  • Edit tempo with Studio One’s familiar automation tools for smoother tempo adjustments and custom curves.

Track/Channel Icons

  • Track and Channel Icons allow quick visual identification for your Tracks and Channels. Intuitively label your Tracks and Channels.

Track and Channel Filters

  • Studio One makes managing large projects with huge track and channel counts fast and easy, thanks to powerful search and filter options.

Track Presets

  • Track Presets allow you to save and recall frequently used Track and Channel configurations—even copy and paste settings from one track to another.

Unlimited Everything

  • Studio One doesn’t place any artificial boundaries on your mixing and production workflow. Use as many audio tracks, MIDI tracks, virtual instruments, buses, and FX channels as your song requires and as your computer can handle.

VCA faders

  • Mixing your biggest multitrack projects is easier than ever in Studio One, thanks to VCA Faders.

Listen Bus

  • The Listen Bus in Studio One’s Console provides a control room feed independent of the main output.

Target Loudness for Digital Release

  • Releasing your audio for digital distribution is the fastest way to grow your audience, but every service has its own target loudness and peak level requirements that must be matched.

Versatile Import/Export Format Support

  • Studio One comes equipped with a variety of versatile import and export options, allowing you to move between applications quickly and easily.
Impact XT

  • Impact XT is a comprehensive beat and rhythm production instrument that lets you create complete arrangements that combine one-shots and tempo-synced loops. Stretch samples in real time, then quantize, repitch, reverse, and loop them—all within Impact XT. Assign samples and add effects plug-ins to individual pads with drag-and-drop. Create dynamic, realistic performances with multilayered samples. You get 8 banks of 16 pads, plus sixteen mono and stereo outputs to create polished mixes. With seamless ATOM-series pad-controller integration, powerful audio processing, infinite performance possibilities, and flexible mixing capabilities, you’ll wonder how you ever made beats without it.

Mai Tai

  • A polyphonic analog modeling synthesizer with an elegant interface, Mai Tai produces sounds that can change character with drastic morphing changes and unique timbres. Its multimode filter offers sounds ranging from vintage analog to state-of-the-art zero-delay feedback filter. Get modular synth-style operation for enormously complex sounds via Mai Tai's 16-stage modulation matrix. Mai Tai provides up to 32 synth voices, 2 oscillators with sine, triangle, saw, and square wave options; 3 ADSR envelopes; and built-in chorus, flanger, delay, and reverb. When you’re ready to make unique sounds, Mai Tai can do it all.


  • Mojito is a monophonic, subtractive synth with built-in effects that can deliver a wide range of sounds, from resonant bass lines to funky leads. Mojito provides pulse and sawtooth waveforms, both rich in harmonics, which are passed through an analog-style resonant 24 dB/octave low-pass filter that can be modulated singly or in combination by key position; ADSR envelope generator; velocity; and a tempo-syncable LFO. An integrated FX section lets you add depth and color to broaden your sound. The Drive control can overload the virtual filter circuit to get the vintage feel you’ve been after.

Presence XT

  • Presence XT is a powerful polyphonic sample player with a multisample layer architecture and built-in synth features and effects. You also get key switch-compatible Sound Variations for nuanced, lifelike sounds; adjustable fret noise for guitars and basses; drawbar controls for Hammond organ presets; and more. Add more sound libraries with add-ons like Deep Flight One, PreSonus Studio Grand, and PreSonus Symphony Orchestra. Unlock the full potential of Presence XT with complete access to sample editing, mapping, and scripting features with Presence XT Editor. Or, supercharge your Presence XT experience—get it all by joining PreSonus Sphere.

Sample One XT

  • Sample One XT is a sampling powerhouse. Sample, autoslice, loop, stretch, process, trigger, and deconstruct audio (sampled from inputs or imported from a track) for breathtaking freedom in constructing powerful new performances and beats. Imported audio can be set to follow the song tempo, multiple samples can be mapped across the entire keyboard, and exported multisamples can be used in Bitwig Studio, Sample Robot, and more applications that are being added all the time. Like your sonic creativity, Sample One XT is limitless.
Analog Delay

  • Analog Delay emulates a classic analog bucket-brigade delay to add vintage character to your sound. Create deteriorating echoes; modulate delay and pitch; and create retro flanging and chorus effects. A State-Space Modeled drive control adds natural analog saturation to the input stage.

Beat Delay

  • Create pulsating patterns and complex polyrhythms with Beat Delay, a tempo-synced delay plug-in with optional cross-delay and filtered feedback. Use this effect to change the feel of rhythmic parts by adding off beats or create spatial doubling and slap-back effects.

Binaural Pan

  • Binaural Pan is a panning effect that employs phase-manipulation to alter the perceived width of stereo signals, from mono to double the normal width. Use Binaural Pan on any stereo track to tightly control its stereo width and pan, and check for mono compatibility using the Mono switch.


  • Perfect for audio abuse, Bitcrusher combines overdrive, bit-depth reduction, downsampling, and clipping into a single plug-in. Bit-depth reduction and downsampling are both digital-resolution reduction techniques but each has its own sonic effect.

Channel Strip

  • Channel Strip features four powerful processors in one, including a low-cut filter, compressor, expander, and three-band parametric EQ. Channel Strip optionally applies automatic gain correction to the EQ so that the input-signal power matches the output-signal power. Use Channel Strip on any mono or stereo track that needs basic channel.


  • The Studio One Chorus plug-in will let you thicken up guitar, vocal, or synth parts with lush, modulating textures. Choose one-, two-, or three-voice chorus processing and set an optional LFO delay time modulation, as well as a Stereo Width control. Whether you're creating a dreamy vocal or performing.


  • Compressor is a full-featured, RMS-based mono/stereo compression processor with internal side-chainfilter, external side-chain capability, a variable ratio up to 20:1, optional look-ahead compression, and robust metering for level, gain reduction, compression curve, and threshold. Use this effect to reduce the dynamic range (signal peaks) of any signal.

Easy side-chainRouting

  • Every Studio One Native Effects dynamics plug-in has easy side-chain routing so you can get the sound you want without routing headaches you don’t need. Side-chain routing can be controlled both to and from the plug-in with one click.


  • Expander is a fully variable downward or upward expander with range control and a side-chain, including a side-chain filter with variable low-cut and high-cut.

Fat Channel XT

  • Fat Channel XT is the ultimate channel strip for any input or bus, with a variable high-pass filter, gate/expander, compressor, EQ, and limiter—all in one plug-in.


  • Flanger creates spatial depths, swirls, timbral shifts, and percussive effects. Perfect for use on guitar tracks to create interesting shifts in timbre and tone, Flanger can help create lush synth sounds, as well.


  • Gate is a noise-gate processor with Range control. It features side-chain capability with a side-chain filter that includes variable low cut and high cut. Use Gate to eliminate unwanted noise or low levels.

Input Filter

  • Input Filter lets you filter out unwanted notes before they reach your instrument or MIDI device. You can specify a range of allowed note pitches and a range of allowed note velocities; all notes that fall outside of either of those ranges are stopped.

Level Meter

  • The Level Meter plug-in is a level meter that can be set as a horizontal or vertical display and sized as large or as small as you like.
More Effects

  • Limiter2 is a brickwall limiting processor with optional K-System Metering. Use it to prevent your output signal from clipping, or to maximize signals with very dynamic peaks.


  • Mixtool provides common track utilities, including a gain control, independent left- and right-channel inversion, left- and right-channel swap, and mid-side transformation of stereo signals.


  • MixVerb is a simple and efficient reverb that is meant to be used as an insert on mono or stereo tracks. MixVerb features adjustable size, predelay, and damping, as well as an adjustable gate and stereo width control.   


  • Use Ampire’s collection of Stompboxes without the amps. Pedalboard features 13 incredible stompboxes to warp vocals, drum machines, keyboards, kazoos, or any other audio source.

Phase Meter

  • The Phase Meter is helpful when checking stereo playback issues and mono compatibility. There are two components to this meter: a large goniometer at the center of the plug-in window and a correlation meter at the very bottom.


  • The unmistakable rising and falling effect of a phaser may have been popularized by guitarists of the 1970s, but it sounds good on nearly anything: synths, drum overheads, and even vocals.


  • Pro EQ3 is a seven-band parametric equalizer that gives you precise granular control to sculpt your sound. You get a phase-linear low-cut, variable high-cut, low-frequency, and high-frequency multimode filters. Solo each band while making hyper-sensitive adjustments.


  • A user favorite since Studio One version 1, RedlightDist is an analog distortion emulator with teeth. Run your audio through up to three stages of tubes, transistors, op-amps, and fuzz to add just a little noise or pure distorted delight.

Room Reverb

  • Room Reverb is a room-simulator reverb plug-in that lets you create virtual room models to add just the right amount of ambiance to your productions.


  • Add motion and a unique tonal character to organs, guitars and more with Rotor, a rotary-speaker emulation plug-in with tube models and simulated independently rotating high-mid horn and bass woofer.

Spectrum Meter

  • Spectrum Meter lets you quickly view the frequency content of an audio signal. It can help you diagnose problematic frequencies like the ring in a snare drum, or it can help you identify the frequencies want to boost.

Tone Generator

  • Tone Generator is capable of generating noise, frequency sweeps, and other signal types commonly used for signal-path testing and calibration. Use the Scope plug-in in conjunction with Tone Generator to analyze return signals at the end of the signal path being tested or calibrated.


  • Finalize your mix or punch up frequency-rich signals with this three-band compressor plug-in. You get automatic threshold and ratio settings; a relative control for the low/high bands; and switchable attack/release controls.


  • The Tuner proves invaluable when inserted on guitar, bass, and other instruments that require frequent tuning. The Tuner features a switchable standard/strobe display, with exact Frequency and Difference readouts in the upper left- and right-hand corners.


  • X-Trem is a tremolo effects plug-in that applies amplitude modulation at a varying amount and rate over time. X-Trem also features tempo sync and a variable LFO with selectable 16-step and 16-gate sequencers, as well as auto-pan capability.
Content (Loops and Samples)
Impact XT Core Library

  • Impact XT is more than just a rhythm machine; it’s also suitable for melodic applications, and this bundle of Impact XT sounds proves it by leveraging Studio One’s proprietary Musicloop format. Drag and drop an Impact XT Core Library Musicloop from the Browser to the Edit window, and Studio One will load Impact automatically, load all the right samples, and render a pattern right before your eyes. Reverse-engineer this result to learn what makes Impact XT really powerful. Individual instrument WAVs and mixdowns are also available as standard loops—key- and tempo-labeled of course.

Prime Selection Loops and Sounds

  • This greatest hits assemblage from many of our add-ons and loops has been cherry-picked for the Studio One Prime customer. You get 10 multitrack loops in a construction kit format. Enjoy the full mixes, or mess with their constituent instruments to rearrange. Make something new from something free. Some of the best developers have made selections available in this bundle, so expect more loops in everything from hip-hop and trap to Indian dubstep.

Studio One Expansion

  • This tidy 39MB collection of simple one-shot acoustic and electronic drum sounds includes kicks, snares, hats, and more that you can quickly and easily load into Impact XT to create beats.

Studio One Instruments Vol. 1 and 2

  • This is a wonderful set of bread 'n' butter instrument samples for use in Presence XT, suitable for both new users and seasoned vets. You get 29 drum kits; over 50 synthesized and organic basses; and loads of guitars, pianos, strings, and wind instruments. Bonus: You also get several cool stacked combination instruments like Guitar & Flute and Piano & Voice.

Studio One Musicloops Vol. 1 and 2

  • Studio One’s proprietary Musicloop format contains both MIDI data and instrument presets in a single file, so you aren't committed to the loop in the way you may be used to from working with WAVs. This bundle of over 100 Musicloops covers everything from salsa, to Brazilian percussion loops, to ambient synth arpeggios and hip-hop beats. Guitars, Rhodes piano, and more are all yours to deconstruct, rearrange, and make uniquely your own.


Delivery Format
License Type
Standard (Educational): Perpetual License
User Support
5 Users / 5 Devices
System Compatibility/Requirements
Operating System: Windows/macOS  

PreSonus STUDIO ONE 6 ARTIST Reviews

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i have not used this daw before is this an ...

i have not used this daw before is this an upgrade and is this brand new?
Asked by: Tenzin
This Version of Presonus Studio One 6 Artist is the EDU version only available to students and educators. It is not an upgrade.
Answered by: Alex D
Date published: 2024-01-18
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