This PL-mounted lens with focus scales in feet is part of the Cooke Varotal/i FF series. The Cooke 19-40mm T2.9 Varotal/i FF Zoom Lens removes the compromise associated with zoom lenses. For observational documentary, live broadcast, efficiency, or just style, they offer imaging performance commensurate with prime lenses. Varotal/i extends the photographic possibilities that Cooke offers cinematographers.
Detail and Consistency
Varotal/i offers striking levels of detail for 8k resolution and beyond. All three lenses feature a constant T2.9 aperture speed at all focal lengths, ensuring consistent results and creative control.
A scratch-resistant PTFE hard-anodized finish is provided on all Cooke lenses, ensuring a durable, hard-wearing surface to meet the most demanding environmental conditions.
/i Technology
Designed from the ground up to incorporate Cooke intelligent /i technology, which includes /i data focus, iris, and zoom position, /i motion inertial data, and /i maps, factory-calibrated shading, and distortion data. They also benefit from a high degree of modularity, which increases reliability and reduces servicing time.