The white Practilite 634 Bi-Color LED 6x Aspheric Zoom Fresnel from Kinotehnic is a compact, variable beam, smartphone-controlled fixture especially useful for single-person shooters or those with small crews. It has a variable bi-color temperature range from a warm 3000K tungsten to a cool 6000K daylight plus a continuous dimming range. This powerful fixture is designed to gather and throw as much light as possible through its 2.8" aspheric 6x zoom lens, providing an unprecedented size-to-light output ratio. The included set of 4-leaf barndoors provides even finer control to highlight a subject or flag areas that require less light. The form factor of the Practilite makes it compatible with Profoto speed rings, reflectors, and more.
The Practilite features integrated analog controls and an OLED display screen for precise and repeatable results. You can control up to six lights from your phone with the free Bluetooth app for iOS and Android devices. The 634 can also be controlled from a console via DMX.