Photoshop CS4 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide - This book covers Adobe Photoshop as well as Adobe Bridge and Adobe Camera Raw (which are included with Photoshop).
In clear step-step language, the book presents techniques and instruction in color management; workspaces; layers; selections; masking; compositing techniques; the History panel; blending modes; brushes; exposure, tonal, color and focus adjustments; retouching; layer styles; filters; type features; gradients; PDF presentation packages; preferences; presets; and more. Readers will learn everything they need to know to get a good working knowledge of Photoshop.
About the Author: Elaine Weinmann and Peter Lourekas have also written, designed, and illustrated Visual QuickStart Guides to Adobe Illustrator and QuarkXPress. Their books have been translated into 12 languages and have sold more than 2.1 million copies worldwide. They have also taught at Pratt Manhattan, the Cooper Union School of Art, the New School Computer Instruction Center, and the Parsons School of Design.