This 4-stop, 6 x 4" Formatt Hitech Soft-Edge Graduated ND Filter enables you to enhance reality, adding a touch of subtlety or drama to the image. Often it is necessary or desirable to balance the light intensity in one part of a scene with another. This is especially true in situations where you don't have total light control, as in bright contrasty landscapes where exposing for the foreground will produce a washed-out, over-exposed sky while exposing for the sky will leave the foreground dark and under-exposed.
Formatt Graduated Neutral Density Filters comes in strengths from 1-3 with 3 having the greatest effect
Some of the Most Popular Applications Include
Adding color excitement to a drab sky
Changing the specific color in a scene to create a desired special effect
Enhancing the existing color or creating subtle color drama
Creating more balanced exposure in uneven lighting conditions
Formatt Grads are Available in Four Types
Soft Edge - Half clear, half colored with a smooth transition to full density. Generally used with medium to wide angle lenses
Hard Edge - Half clear, half colored with a definite less subtle transition. For use with long focal length lenses
Razor Edge - As hard edge but with a solid transition line for shooting corners of buildings, knife-edge horizons or when a very bold transition is required
Blender - The grad line is right at one edge of the filter so the color change runs from top to bottom. Perfect for irregular objects and skylines