The Panasonic AG-HPX170 is a handheld P2 HD camera which builds on the tradition and success of the AG-HVX200. The camera's enhanced sensor provides lower noise levels while increasing sensitivity in low-light situations. Unlike the AG-HVX200, the AG-HPX170 does not include a tape drive, opting for a lighter and more durable frame. In this case, "less" certainly means more: removal of the deck translates into a variety of extra features, including a 75mm lens with improved wide-angle capability, vectorscope, waveform monitor, HD-SDI output, a 6-Pin locking FireWire port, and 3 focus-assist modes.
While the camera does not record in 1080p/60, it does scan the initial image at 1080p/60 in order to get the best possible picture quality in 1080i/60.