Auray Disposable Over-Ear Headphone Covers (50 Pairs, Black)

Used Cat #2513275 • MFR #HPC-45BK
Key Features
  • Sanitary Protection for Headphones
  • 100 Disposable Over-Ear Headphone Covers
  • For Ear Cushions up to 4.5"
  • 50 Pairs in Total
Styled in black, Auray's Disposable Headphone Covers are designed to fit snugly over circumaural (over-ear) headphones with ear cushions up to 4.5", and are helpful in fighting the spread of germs. Use them anywhere a single pair of headphones will be shared with multiple people such as schools, libraries, call centers, and computer labs.
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Condition: 10 Good as new
Preowned equipment that looks good as new; no signs of wear
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