My trip to this location was originally supposed to be a scouting trip to find a some new spots to shoot. The weather forecast was unexciting and sunset conditions looked bleak, but I decided to bring my camera along anyways because you just never know what you might find. By the time I found this composition and set up the clouds were rapidly moving across the sky, complimented by surprisingly cold winds. I took a handful of shots at this location and one other spot before I packed up and called it a night.
When I began editing this image, I wanted to bring out the drama of the ocean crashing against the rocks while still making the clouds a major part of the final product. In order to bring out the rigidity of the scene I opted to go with a harsh high-structure edit. The sharp rocks and contrasty clouds really accentuated this rather unforgiving part of the coastline and added the drama I desired in my final image.