Bringing Studio Lighting to the Wedding, with Sarah Edmunds
02/27/2024Godox Ambassador Sarah Edmunds has mastered capturing a wedding's candid moments with impeccable lighting, all thanks to off-camera flash. In this presentation, Edmunds shows you how to bring that polished, in-studio look on location, from lighting placement to lighting your group shots.
- 0:00 - About Edmunds
- 8:06 - Gear List
- 11:00 - Light Shaping
- 11:52 - Camera Settings
- 15:16 - Direction, Diffusion, Distance
- 18:41 - Ambient Light (No Flash)
- 24:41 - Enhanced Light (Flash with Ambient)
- 41:00 - Bringing it Together
- 43:35 - Q&A
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