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Travel, Outdoor & Wildlife Photography

Four Day Imaging Conference & Trade Show

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Watch Opening Remarks from 6.7.17

"Destination is key, what we learn when we get there and what we take away"
~David Brommer

OPTIC 2017, brought to you by B&H and Lindblad Expeditions, featured an overflowing trade show with engaging presentations by the world's top outdoor and travel photographers. Over four days in New York City, presenters shared their experiences and insights, while premier manufacturers showcased their gear in outdoor, photography and videography equipment.

Couldn't attend in person or want to review? Now you can see all the presentations by your favorite speakers from the conference at your own pace.

Video Archive


"The single most important thing in a photograph is the relationship of the subject with the dominant horizon line"
~Sam Abell
Lucas Gilman Presents: Capturing the Action
Mike Corrado - Photographing Birds In Your Own Backyard
Charles Glatzer: Yellowstone in Winter
Vivienne Gucwa - How I Traveled to the Artic with Only One Camera and Lens
"Telephoto for landscape photography? YES! There are details you just cannot capture with a wide angle lens"
~Roman Kurywczak
Roman Kurywczak - Create Tack Sharp Macro Images
Steve Simon - Master the Street & Raise Your Game
Brooks Jensen: The Spectrum
Jill Mann & Kyla Trethewey - Create, Build Instagram, Managing a Following
"Telephoto for landscape photography? YES! There are details you just cannot capture with a wide angle lens"
~Roman Kurywczak
"Photography is a battle between your left brain and your right brain"
~Steve Simon


"I have polar fever and constantly want to go back there, no two ice formations are the same!"
~Ralph Lee Hopkins
Ralph Lee Hopkins: On Thin Ice
Kara Mercer - A Suitcase, FUJIFILM and the Open Road
Roman Kurywczak Presents - For the Love of Landscapes
Jonathan Irish - On Assignment in the U.S. National Parks
Eric Kruszewski - Connecting with Cultures
William Innes: Traveling Mirrorless - Capturing Awesomeness!
"Your next project is in your archives"
~Brooks Jensen


"Artistic freedom occurs when the gear you use allows the imagination to run wild and uninhibited"
~Vivenne Gucwa
Jill Mann & Kyla Trethewey Presents - Our Wild Abandon
Sam Abell Presents: The Life of a Photograph
Brooks Jensen Presents: Those Who Inspire Me (and Why)
Alison Wright Presents: Photographing People with Passion and Purpose
"Don't chase the subject, compose and wait "
~Sam Abell
Cristina Mittermeier - Sacred Ecology
Art Wofle - The Creative Process of Art Wolfe
Ruddy Roye - The Photographer's Journey
"Don't chase the subject, compose and wait "
~Sam Abell
"Find your passion and pursue it!"
~Alison Wright


A compilation of chats with vendor reps that asked a few tough questions and actually got honest responses.
It has over 25,000 listens already

A two part conversation which includes our talk with Alison Wright about her accident, recovery and founding of Faces of Hope...Came out last week and without an email (and a holiday in the middle) it has over 8,0000 listens

Just released this morning, our talk with Jonathan Irish about his "Greatest American Roadtrip" and Jill and Kyla of "Our Wild Abandon"

...more to come with National Parks at Night, Brooks Jensen, Eric Kruszewski and Steve Simon

2017 Speakers

Keynote Speaker: Brooks Jensen Special Guest: Art Wolfe
  • Alison Wright
  • Art Wolfe
  • Charles Glatzer
  • Cristina Mittermeier
  • Eric Wehrmeister
  • Eric Kruszewski
  • Jeff Mauritzen
  • Jill and Kyla from Our Wild Abandon
  • Jonathan Irish
  • Kara Mercer
  • Lucas Gilman
  • Mike Corrado
  • Ralph Lee Hopkins
  • Roman Kurywczak
  • Ruddy Roye
  • Eric Kruszewski
  • Jeff Mauritzen
  • Jill and Kyla from Our Wild Abandon
  • Jonathan Irish
  • Kara Mercer
  • Rudy Winston
  • Sam Abell
  • Steve Simon
  • Vivienne Gucwa
  • William Innes

B&H and Lindblad Expeditions are pleased to announce the dates for OPTIC 2018 occurring in NYC for the fourth consecutive year.

June 3rd - 6th 2018 Add to calendar

What is Optic?

Explore the inspiration, technique and equipment for imaging the great outdoors with OPTIC, an annual conference and trade show featuring the world's top outdoor photographers.

Sponsored by B&H and Lindblad Expeditions, OPTIC 2017 took place at the New Yorker Hotel, conveniently located within one block of B&H Photo's legendary NYC Superstore.

The latest gear was on display, allowing for hands-on experiences with super telephoto zooms, drones and featherlight tripods, plus the latest cameras, printers and all the equipment to guarantee your return from an adventure with incredible images.

OPTIC 2017 featured opportunities for book signings and direct conversations with OPTIC speakers as well as hands-on training and inspiration, portfolio reviews, gallery shows, sunset cruises, photo walks and critiques.

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View OPTIC 2015 Program Archive
View OPTIC 2016 Program Archive
