The Wildlife Conservation Series: Kristi Odom Edits Her Wildlife Photos
04/02/2024Join Kristi Odom as she shares her wildlife photo-editing workflow in Lightroom Classic, from culling a large number of photos using Photo Mechanic, to settings to use when exporting.
- 0:00 - In this Video
- 1:05 - Culling and Selecting
- 8:42 - Jaguar Photos
- 13:03 - Bees in Flight Photos
- 16:58 - Macaw Photos
- 20:04 - Adaptive Presets
- 26:32 - Bee on a Flower Photo
- 27:55 - Export (Settings & Organizing)
What does your editing workflow look like? Let us know down below.
Watch The Wildlife Conservation Series: Wildlife Conservation Through Photography, with Kristi Odom
Watch The Wildlife Conservation Series: Storytelling for Wildlife Conservation, with Kristi Odom
Watch The Wildlife Conservation Series: Macro Bee Photography, with Kristi Odom
Watch The Wildlife Conservation Series: Photographing Birds and Insects in the Amazon, with Kristi Odom