The B&H Light Meter Buying Guide


A light meter provides crucial information to photographers and cinematographers for their work; it provides a measurement of the exposure, tells users exactly what shutter speed/aperture combination to use based on the 18% gray standard, and can even provide detailed charts and graphs on the quality and color of the lights one is using. Generally, it will be seen as a tool to check exposure settings for perfectly balanced images. Additionally, some models can provide other exceptionally useful capabilities, such as flash metering, color temperature readings, and more.

Incident versus Reflected Light Readings

Light readings can be taken in two different ways: by reading the light falling on the subject (incident) or the light that is reflected from the subject (reflected). Most meters can take both types of readings, but there are distinct advantages and disadvantages to each.

Incident readings measure the light falling onto the subject, so it requires the meter to be pointed toward the camera from the subject’s position. This method has proven to be very accurate, more so than reflected readings, because the meter will not be fooled by overly reflective or dark surfaces. This can be difficult with fast-moving or faraway subject matter.

Reading the light falling on the subject

Reflected readings are more common, especially since most modern cameras have a built-in reflected light meter. These take an average of the different reflected light, measuring across the entire scene to provide photographers with accurate exposure settings. In areas with a great deal of contrast or many differences in light, these systems can have difficulty providing a proper reading, but it is a very fast and convenient way to acquire initial settings.

Reading the light falling from the subject

Something that can greatly benefit reflected metering is the use of an 18% gray card, which will improve accuracy by providing a consistent surface from which to read light. Other benefits of reflective metering are the ability to provide readings of multiple subjects quickly to gain a better understanding of the dynamic range of the scene as a whole.

Spot Metering

Spot meters are dedicated reflective meters that will read a very narrow section of the image area, usually from 1 to 3°, though some models are available with wider 5 to 10° angles of view. These allow users to very specifically meter certain objects in a scene without being thrown off by either extremely dark or bright spots in the image. Examples of this would be backlit subjects or dark backgrounds, where the subject would end up either underexposed or overexposed, respectively, with an averaged reading.

Many handheld meters can be outfitted with add-on accessories that will enable spot readings. Also, many cameras have a spot-metering mode available for use.

Flash Metering

While ambient and constant light is simple to meter, flash requires additional connections or modes in order to provide a reading. This is mainly due to the extremely short duration of a flash, usually greater than 1/1000-second. Most flash-capable meters feature a PC terminal or other sync port for directly triggering a flash, though some also pack in a radio transmitter for working wirelessly with strobe units. Another method is a dedicated wireless flash mode, which puts the meter into standby and then captures and saves the measurement of the burst of light when it is triggered via another source.

Specialty Meters

While photographers are usually fine with basic exposure readings and settings, cinematographers and videographers have some more specific needs and desires when it comes to getting their light just right. Cine-specific models are available with expanded settings for frame rates (fps) along with the ability to display in lux, foot-candles, and shutter angles, which is information geared mainly for film production.

Straying from the common exposure meter, some companies produce color meters or spectrometers that will provide detailed analyses of your lights. The information provided can be as simple as color temperature to spectrum graphs and CRI measurements. These meters make it possible to compare two different light sources and make them match or vary, according to your needs. Another purpose is to check the quality of light, since some light sources can be deficient in certain colors and this can have an adverse effect on your images.

Color temperature can shift (cooler, left; warmer, right) depending on thelight source and ambient conditions.

In-Camera versus Handheld Meters

Modern camera technology provides every user with a built-in TTL metering system for reflected light readings, which can lead some to be skeptical of the need for a dedicated handheld unit. While it is true that with the numerous settings and advancements available, users will be able to take average, spot, and center-weighted readings easily and accurately; some situations will demand a handheld meter.

In-camera systems will not be able to take flash or incident light readings at all, requiring a separate unit for these situations. Also, a camera can be awkward to use as a meter when walking around set or when measuring complex lighting setups. Additionally, built-in memory and comparison capabilities of digital meters enable users to quickly recall and compare readings from other lights or settings to quickly draw conclusions on your light and make adjustments. Handheld meters also feature many other dedicated functions and accessories, including the ability to program for different camera models for increased accuracy.

While many users will not find a need for a handheld light meter, others will find the capabilities of an exposure meter or color meter invaluable. Meters can provide exacting information on your lighting and also simplify things like filtration by providing exact numbers. And, as light is the most important part of photography and cinematography, being able to know more about your setup will greatly help.


I'm looking for an incident light meter to test my outdoor product shots (I photograph pool & patio accessories). Light is mostly sunlight but with some fill flash from a wireless off-camera flash on a tripod. If I put the meter next to the product on a sunny day and fire the flash from my remote trigger, will the meter give me a combined exposure recommendation, or will it measure only the sunlight?

A meter such as the Sekonic L-308X-U Flashmate Light Meter, BH # SEL308XU will offer a flash light mode that will give the total amount of light including the flash and ambient light that is measured with the specific shutter speed you choose.


I wonder if you can update this blog with a comment on the value of light meter apps. Intuitively, I suspect that they won't be able to match the camera metering or a stand alone meter. Thanks for your thoughts. 

Hi Mark,


In my experience with light meter apps, they have been surprisingly good. However, your comment has led us to create an article doing a comparison of handheld light meters versus the apps to see what we can find. Stay tuned!

hi, take note that each exposure light meter manufacturer have their own K factor added in to the meter. it is not the 18% gray which is generally give an unacceptable picture. 

hi everyone. it is great site. thanks for all.

Descriptions of meters listed for purchase do not include whether or not "Incident" light metering is available.

How co I know whether or not meter can be set to Incident?  The descriptions do not mention.  Seems terms "Ambient", "Flash" are the common terms.   You say "Most Meters" can be set for "reflective" or "Incident"... which meters fall into "MOST" category?

I have been researcing for an hour and am giving up... any help? HOW CAN I KNOW what options a meter has before I buy it?


I am sorry for the trouble you are having. "Ambient" & "Flash" refer to a type of light and you would select your meter based on the type of light you planned on metering. Within these 2 categories, most of the meters can do incident metering. The ones that cannot are specialty meters that measure Luminance or Foot-candles for example. Other exceptions are dedicated Spot meters and meters designed to be used in a cameras hot shoe. The easiest way to identify a meter that does incident light readings to look for the signature circular white dome in our web sites meter product images. As you will notice, most of the meters have this feature. 

The article on Light Meters says incident light readings can be taken with your camera if you resort to any of the optional screw-on or clip-on lens accessories that enable you to take TTL incident light readings. Which are these screw-on or clip-on accessories? Does B&H sell them? Does B&H have any books/DVDs on using Light meters?

Incident light is the light that reaches your subject from a light source either directly or indirectly. An incident-light meter reading measures the amount of light falling on your subject. When you meter the light before it reaches your subject, you will obtain more consistent results. This is due to you measuring the light independent of the subject. A white wedding dress will appear white in a print. The same while dress if read reflectively meaning the light the dress is reflecting back towards the camera would appear 18% gray. The ExpoImaging ExpoDisc not only allows you to create more accurate color balance settings for you camera, but because the ExpoDisc is calibrated for an 18% light transmission, you can also use it as a reference tool for manually determining proper exposure. To see our complete selection of ExpoDisc options; I could not find any instructional books or DVD?s but lease links may be useful; B&H InDepth What?s a light meter and how does it work?… By Allan Weitz 

I'm in line with some of the commenters here who are just getting started in figuring out light meters, in my case for video, where I'm trying to understand the relationship between the minimum lux data for my camera and the ISO settings I've seen so far in light meter descriptions. My Sony PWX-X70 gives me plenty of guidance through its auto settings, which I can tweak via manual settings, but I'm striving to get a good understanding of all the dimensions God has built into light. I think B&H and its novice customers could both benefit greatly from a thorough coverage (including links, of course, since "thorough" is infinite) of light meters, along the lines of: if your needs are this, then consider this. Best wishes to the outstanding staff of B&H in advancing the way they meet this particular challenging need

Hi John,

This article is more focused on photography as opposed to video, but let me try to help you out. Many video cameras, such as your PXW-X70 use gain instead of ISO values. Some modern cameras, such as the FS7, allow you to change from gain to ISO at will, allowing you to use a variety of standard meters with ease. However, if you don't have this option you will have to do your own research to figure out the equivalent ISO compared to gain on your camera.

This can be done by getting a gray card and using the auto settings on your camera to acheive a "perfect" exposure. Then you read the settings, for example f/5.6 at 1/60 sec with gain set to 0. Then you take a reading with a light meter at f/5.6 and 1/60 sec and see what ISO it says. Then you can equate 0 gain with whatever ISO the light meter says (one stop of ISO change, 100 to 200 for example, is equal to ~6dB in gain, but this could change depending on your camera). Then when you are out you will know the equivalent gain setting to a reading on your meter.

This allows you to use a variety of different meters. If you want something that gives you lux readings for ease (as well as everything else) then the L-758CINE is a great meter with a 1° spot feature as well.

Hope this helps.

Unfortunately, the L-858-U is closest replacement to the L-758 that Sekonic currently offers.