Introduction to Learning Photography


Welcome to the wonderful world of photography and the Learn Photography Portal on B&H Explora. If you just picked up your first camera, or are thinking about getting a camera, or, even if you are a seasoned pro, we hope that you enjoy your educational journey through this course while you enjoy the experience of a photographic journey through life.

photography  noun pho·tog·ra·phy \fə-ˈtä-grə-fē\: the art, process, or job of taking pictures with a camera

Photography is an art. It is an art form that is personal and unique for all who participate in its riches. From birthday-party snapshots, to travel postcards, to memorable natural vistas, to commercial imagery, to abstract fine art, photography is many things to many people. But, it is all photography.

Photography is a technically based art form. Compared to other visual arts like painting, drawing, and sculpture, photography is the genre most dependent on technology. From the earliest camera obscura and daguerreotype images to the digital sensors not yet in production, photography has been entrenched in the world of technology.

Because of this, there is an inherent benefit to knowing the technology behind your camera as it pertains to its physical operation, the camera’s controls, and how the camera and lens work together to bend, control, and record light.

Knowing the basics of how to operate your camera will not only help you make better images, it will help you better express yourself through your photographs. These pages are designed to help you do just that.

Below is a list of our basic educational photography articles in a suggested order of completion. I sincerely hope you enjoy the articles. Thanks for reading and I wish you the absolute best on your photographic journey!


Great article for the beginners like me, who first time own DLSR or DLSM camera, for me that was feel like I was first time turn on my first PC 486 (back then in 1997.) and I decided to buy, after many of streaming and action cameras which didn't good job for me for the recording and shooting tutorial for very small thing for high end vaping stuff and budget vape stuff - which help me to quit with smoking before 3 year's etc... I choose Canon EOS R5 with Canon lens RF-S 18-45mm IS STM, because I wanna quality in first place and for my country and my salary in the Serbia this isn't budget friendly camera, but I also buy in a last two month, one more lens - Canon lens RF 50mm F1.8 STM, and I wanna buy one more lens for the recording from a low distance for the smaller things from above and I was thinking to buy Canon EF-S to RF-RF-S adapter and buy some cheaper EF or RF-S lens or to buy something like this: CANON Lens RF 35mm f/1.8 Mcr IS STM or CANON Lens RF 24-105mm f4-7.1 IS STM?! I also need a recommendation for the budget friendly lighting kit, because I ussualy record in my room which are not light and I need some of lighter kit and some budget friendly gimbal stabilizer for the shooting/recording above from the "bird perspective". I also own a new RØDE WIRELESS GO 2 SINGLE KIT (1 x TX & 1 x RX), RØDE LAVALIER GO mic, RØDE FLEXCLIP GO SET and I was get as a gift some older but very good tripode from MANFROTTO, I think that's similiar to the MANFROTTO MKCOMPACTADV-BK Compact Advanced kit, but I think this is much better, because it's higher and made by carbon fiber, but it's model from 2020 or 2019 which my friend buy back there and never use... I just wanna thank you for all your lesson which I learn here with watching more than 300 hour's of YT review's and to salut everyone here from my country which is Serbia...

P. S. From new equipment for my shoting and recording I also bought a new CANON PIXMA multifunctional laser printer and Canon photo paper to exercise my skills, which is compatible with PictBridge from my EOS R5, mobile phone Apk CANON PIXMA and desktop software CANON EOS UTILITIES; I also buy one more battery LP-E6NH which isn't cheap at all, charger for the batteries with EU plug 🔌, LED lamp for the beginning and GoPro LIGHT MOD, how I will be able to get more light in my recording scene... 

Thank you for your comment Nenad, I recommend getting the Canon RF 35mm f/1.8 Macro IS STM Lens. Since it is a full frame lens and the Canon R5 is also full frame, it will be able to utilize the whole sensor without any cropping. This GVM is a good lighting kit that is low cost.

  Excelent!  These acticles were well balanced between detail,  and simplicty.  i was able to gain suffficient knowlege to be removed for the "dangerous" catagory.  Thank you.





It is sometimes good to be dangerous, but be safe! Thanks for reading and thanks for the kind words!

I am glad the articles were helpful to you!