michael sukhotin

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8 years ago
Whether you’re displaced by an emergency or natural disaster or enjoying outdoor recreation, there’s no higher priority than potable water. You simply can’t live without it for very long. The same gear used by hikers, backpackers, off-road cyclists, and other adventurers could become essential in the event of an emergency. Here’s a look at some gear for transporting and filtering water,…
8 years ago
Most of us probably have seen, in the movies or on TV, Special Forces people looking like hybrids of human and machine with sophisticated night vision devices covering their faces, enabling them to see in the dark. Previously, these gadgets were reserved for special agencies and the military. Today, with the advancement of technology and lower costs of manufacturing, these devices have appeared…
9 years ago
One of the most common and tragic mistakes amateur outdoor enthusiasts make is to underestimate the importance of proper hydration and backcountry water purification when planning their outdoor activities. Water is the Number Two most important ingredient after air for sustaining life and maintaining normal metabolism. For example, an average person needs about two liters of water per day under…