Zacuto Gratical HD EVF Recoil Kit for C300 II: Hands-On Review
01/19/2016In the following video, Mia McCormick, from KelbyOne Media, shows you how to outfit your C300 Mark II for shoulder-mounted shooting using Zacuto’s Gratical HD EVF Recoil Kit. Part of Zacuto's Next Generation Recoil systems, the kit places the central balance point of the camera and rig directly over your shoulder, while relocating focus, monitoring, and camera controls forward. McCormick covers the various components that come with the Kit, including the Gratical HD EVF, and how they work together to provide a seamless use experience. She also touches upon some useful accessories and gives some insight into balancing the rig. We hope you enjoy the video, and invite you to view the wide selection of other instructional and informative videos at