The 35L Aion Duffel in black from Thule has a divider that creates two compartments, so it's easy to keep everyday items separate from outdoor gear. A TPU-lined compartment locks in odor, dirt, and moisture, making it great for dirty clothes or damp sportswear. The duffel has sleeves for a 16" laptop and a 12.9" tablet. The trolley sleeve allows you to attach it to the handle of your rolling luggage .
The shell fabric, lining, and mesh are all made from 100% recycled materials. The bag's rugged and durable waxed canvas exterior develops even more character as it ages and has a PFC-free, water-resistant finish. Thule Aion products are bluesign certified, which ensures the protection of workers, consumers, and the environment.
Carry Options
- Dual top handles
- Removable, padded shoulder strap converts bag from standard duffel to cross-body carry bag
- A pass-through panel secures duffel to handle of your rolling luggage
- Easy-to-clean, TPU-lined compartment separates damp or dirty items and tucks away when not in use
- Exterior stretch pockets for quick and easy access
- Dedicated storage protects a 15.6" laptop and a 12.9" tablet
- Zippered mesh interior pocket stores your phone, charger, and other small items
- Divider separates interior into two packing sections and has storage space for accessories
- Exterior shell fabric, lining, and mesh are 100% recycled polyester made from plastic bottles
- Durable 600D waxed canvas shell fabric has a PFC-free, water-resistant coating that repels moisture, dirt, and stains
- All Thule Aion products are bluesign-certified which means they are safe for the environment
UPC: 085854252096