Food Photography

Latest Food Photography
2 years ago
Instead of an apron, food photographer Joanie Simon wears many hats—commercial and editorial imagemaker, recipe developer, photo educator, Blogger, YouTube Influencer, Livestreamer, and content creator extraordinaire. For more than a dozen years, Simon has built her brand into a powerhouse of creative content and learning, to whet the appetites of both foodies and photographers alike. Her…
3 years ago
It’s summertime, so naturally, barbecues and family gatherings are on the roster for many of us. Summer is a time for rest and relaxation, good weather, and dining al fresco. There is a good chance you’ll want to document your picnics, barbecues, and the food and beverages you’ll be serving. We all love to do that, especially in recent years. If you want your food photos to stand out while…
3 years ago
LeAnne Shor is a celebrated food photographer, writer, and content creator. She is also the creator of the Lion’s Bread food blog, where she shares tons of great content, including mouthwatering recipes and photos. We asked Shor for some advice on how to shoot food, and she gave us these five great tips. Lighting Is Everything Without good light, it doesn…
3 years ago
It’s Food Photography Week here at B&H Photo, so our guests on this week’s B&H Photography Podcast are California-based food photographer Meika Ejaisi, and from her new studio in Boulder Colorado,…
3 years ago
Eat what you photograph. Take this tip with a grain of salt: Do not eat too much or what you cannot stomach, but to photograph your subject, you need to know it well. Go to markets, grow vegetables, handle your ingredients, try new dishes, and of course, learn how to cook. Use a Macro Lens Food can be photographed in many ways, from many perspectives, but close-ups and sharp details will…
3 years ago
On this episode of the B&H Photography Podcast, we discuss food photography and ask our two guests to create their vision of the ideal spread for a summer food photography shoot. In the first half of the show, we welcome photographer Meika Ejiasi, who is a food, lifestyle, and portrait…
3 years ago
Are you new to food photography or looking to advance your lighting techniques? This article takes you through how to use existing light to your benefit as well as how to create it yourself. Both approaches will yield similar results, but each has its own unique advantages. It’s up to you which path to take. …
3 years ago
Photography is a great way to get out of the house, explore the world around you, and can be a reason to visit new places. Sometimes, though, your own home and time spent indoors can also be a key source of inspiration and a tool to work through any creative droughts in which you might find yourself. Whether you’re confined to home because of weather, a global pandemic, or just because you feel…
3 years ago
Typing #food into Instagram's search bar returns more than 450 million posts, making the search for food photographers on this social platform somewhat akin to "shooting fish in a barrel." Yet, while the number of followers to the most popular feeds surpasses the million mark, when it comes to the topic of food, it's a common occurrence for cookbook authors, recipe creators, food stylists, and…
3 years ago
Welcome to B&H Food Photography Week! Running from July 19-22, 2021, across all of B&H's channels, will be loads of new content and events about how to create amazing food photos—all you need to do is find a chef! You'll find inspiring presentations from top food photographers and creatives who share their secrets on making food photographs that look as great as the food tastes! Find us…
3 years ago
In this B&H Event Space video, Simi Jois teaches you how to create a light and airy style when shooting still life photos. From composition to settings to colors, you will learn how to achieve this light and airy look in camera. Are you a still life or food photographer? Do you have any tips of your own to add about how you achieve a light, airy look? Please feel free to share them in the…
3 years ago
Go behind the scenes with Food Visualist and Commercial Director David Ma as he shares his five tips for food videography, including food styling, creating cinematic shots, producing and more. Do you work in food videography? If you have any tips you’d like to share, or questions about the process, please use our Comments section.
3 years ago
Going eye-to-eye with a praying mantis can be a trip and a half, but understandably, not everybody shares my enthusiasm for creepy crawlies. This doesn't mean you cannot enjoy the visual treats afforded by peering at everyday objects at life-size or greater magnifications. To illustrate my point, I pulled a half dozen spice jars out of my cupboard along with a few herbs from our spring garden and…
3 years ago
Eye-catching and grotesque are words not often placed together, but those accurate descriptors are part of the charm and beauty in the still life and food photography of Emma Ressel. Ressel joins us on this episode of the B&H Photography Podcast to talk about her work, which takes inspiration…
4 years ago
Jordan uses the Wacom Intuos Pro and Wacom Cintiq Pro 24 to edit his food photography. Both Wacom products offer a customizable, comfortable, and ergonomic editing experience. How…