DSLR Cameras
The premise of the camera is simple: it's a box that allows a measured amount of light into it in order to create an image on a photo-sensitive material. Stroll through the B&H Photo SuperStore and you'll see there are literally thousands of different interpretations of how to best do this. Cameras of all shapes, sizes, and colors are on the shelves—all of them begging to be held and used to make photographs.
The camera, one of the world's ultimate gadgets, has an appeal that transcends a great cross section of the human race.
The Pentax K-3 Mark III Monochrome is one of the most surprising camera releases in recent memory. As a brand that’s already in rare air with its dedication to the DSLR, the choice to further isolate Pentax with a black-and-white-only DSLR is definitely intriguing―but also incredibly fun and refreshing. I had a chance to shoot with the camera for a little while; my immediate takeaways relate to nostalgia. It’s exciting to
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Photographing the night sky can be a tricky business. Mike Shaw is here to teach you how to focus, which lenses to bring, what kind of tripod to choose, and more tips and techniques.
0:00 - Introduction
0:20 - Focusing at Night
1:42 - Choosing a Tripod
3:10 - Choosing a Lens
4:53 - Planning Your Shot
6:24 - Slaying the High ISO Dragon
Are you a pro at shooting in dim light? Let us know your tips in the Comments section, below.
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Humans and pets have shared a deep bond for centuries, yet our animal companions are now considered more a part of the family than ever. So, it’s no surprise that pet photography is a blossoming niche, and a perfect subject for this week’s podcast—especially since it’s National Pet Month!
Above photograph © Nancy Borowick
We start by chatting with pet photographer Karen Hoglund, who alerted us to her work in response to Allan’s musing about using the hashtag “kittens” to generate traffic on social media. After noting that #kittens only yields
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Flo Ngala takes captivating portraits of strangers that tell a person’s story in a short amount of time. In this B&H Event Space video, she breaks down her thought processes into the technical, psychological, and social sides when taking photos.
0:00 - Ngala’s Work
6:05 - Ngala’s Process
6:28 - The Technical Side
11:04 - The Psychological Side
21:01 - The Social Side
31:17 - There is Only One You!
32:33 - Q&A
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As we turn the corner into 2023, the emerging landscape for photography seems split between mirrorless maximalism, exemplified in the fourth-quarter releases of the FUJIFILM X-T5 and Hasselblad X2D 100C, and the triumphant resurgence of film that has culminated in Leica's re-release of its iconic M6 and an eleventh-hour announcement of an exploratory film camera project from RICOH Imaging's Pentax brand. It's more than a little strange that only two months earlier, Pentax announced its newest camera, the
Pentax has announced the KF, a compact and lightweight APS-C format DSLR created for adventurous photographers. Featuring an articulating LCD screen, weather-resistant construction, and 24.24MP sensor, the KF marries versatility and durability, making it as useful for documenting family picnics as it is for traversing the rainforest.
Pentax KF
Photographic art and style are both subjective topics about which many of us get passionate. The camera is a tool to make photographic art, but we all know that, as a tool—a machine—it can be a beautiful object unto itself. I talk about some of today’s stylistic photographic tools in my Recommended Stylish Cameras article, but let’s pass the microphone around the Internet to see what people think
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The title for this episode of the B&H Photography Podcast is taken from a comment made by guest Tonika Johnson, describing the moment she recognized the effect her work could have on citizens of her hometown of Chicago. I’m certain that our other guests have had a similar moment when they see that their artistic work has gone beyond just the oohs and ahhs of aesthetes and afficionados and truly helps to educate and change the world
Raw vs. JPEG. The debate has persisted since the early days of digital photography. With modern digital technology, in-camera JPEG processing has never been better. Across brands, some photographers claim to have switched their workflow to JPEG exclusively, forgoing the advantages (and disadvantages) of shooting raw files. Others shoot raw + JPEG simultaneously to enjoy the benefits of both. Of course, many shoot only raw images. With a week in Ireland to focus on photography, I decided to dive deeper into the raw vs. JPEG option and see if it
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We have been looking forward to this conversation for weeks. On today’s episode of the B&H Photography Podcast, we sit down with retired Detective 1st Grade Michael Cunningham, of the New York City Police Department, to talk about crime-scene unit photography. Cunningham is an expert on crime-scene photography and forensics—in addition to his twenty-seven years with the NYPD, he has worked as a trainer for the
Great photos, in any discipline, can result from infinite techniques, but in sports photography—at least in sports photojournalism—there is little room for the aesthete who chooses a slow approach or the kind that eschews the available camera functions that will increase the proverbial “hit rate.” In other words, sports photographers need to use all measures to get that decisive, well-composed, and most important, in-focus photograph. Thank goodness, therefore, for continuous focus tracking, a blessing for sports photographers everywhere.
LeAnne Shor is a celebrated food photographer, writer, and content creator. She is also the creator of the Lion’s Bread food blog, where she shares tons of great content, including mouthwatering recipes and photos. We asked Shor for some advice on how to shoot food, and she gave us these five great tips.
Lighting Is Everything
Without good light, it doesn’t matter how you style your food; the subject won’t look appealing or appetizing. So, what is good light? This is somewhat subjective, but generally
With the trend of DSLR and mirrorless cameras being released with more video features and recording higher video resolutions, it is tempting to purchase one for field production, since they are portable and can be outfitted easily with numerous accessories. But there are many reasons why one of these cameras might not be the best fit for your production style.
For example, in the golden olden days when I shot some documentary and corporate video, I included a Canon 5D Mark III DSLR alongside my Sony PMW-EX1R broadcast camcorder for a few
by David Swindler ·Posted
We at B&H are excited to announce our partnership with the 2023 OUTSIDERS Photography Conference, to be held in person March 3-5, in Kanab, Utah. Virtual tickets are also available. Geared toward landscape, wildlife, and nature photographers of all backgrounds and abilities, this conference will provide attendees with three days of valuable instruction from talented photographers and industry professionals.
Keynote speaker Keith Ladzinski is a National Geographic Photographer and Emmy nominated