Sony Live Event 2019



Well I can add 1 more fundamental, Quality!

Will a6500 firmware update have continuous eye focus for video?

As of now, Sony has not confirmed any firmware updates for the A6500 to include the continuous Eye AF feature. Stay tuned for updates. 

Unfortunately, no, it will not.  The age of the Bionx X processor in the Sony Alpha a6500 Mirrorless Digital Camera is two generations older and not powerful enough to support the continuous eye focus for video feature.

Thought this might be an A7Siii announcement... oh well. Hopefully this is a foreshadowing of the autofocus system we can expect in the FS5iii/FS7iii.

Yes, pre-order has commenced on the Sony A6600.  Please following this link to the current configurations that are being offered:

Which lenses give better results at 61 px of the Sony Ar7 IV?

Thank you

I would recommend Sony's G-Master (GM) lenses for use on the Sony Alpha a7R IV Mirrorless Digital Camera as they are Sony’s highest-quality optics and for their high resolving power. The lenses on the link included below would be my recommendation for your usage needs.

Would love to own. The Sony alpha series Sony 6600 . Valued at a affordable price I have alwayd wanted to work with a mirror less camera and look forward to having one my equipment seems so outdated with technologies that there should be a great improvement in my viewable work if so purchased. Look forward to working towards this Willing end goal. Creatively I am advance and have advantages but need the equipment and support to do so ! Looking forward toy years ahead. 

Please fix the star-eating algorithm in all Alpha models (back compatible OS for A7II, A7RII, etc) . Or sell an IR-unfiltered Alpha 7III for astrophotography!

Son many unanswered questions about the a6600...

USB & HDMI finally can work together to control the camera while hooked up to a monitor?

No dimming while in 4K?

10 bit? internal? output?

Slow motion?

Frame rates?

I'm assume that if these were taken cared of, it would have been in the presentation. It seems that for video it mainly differs in battery life. not what we've been waiting for at all.

At this time we do not have any specific info using the USB & HDMI at the same time or dimming for 4K.  We can tell you that it will be 8-Bit for both internal and external recording.  It does offer UHD 4K at up to 30fps and HD at up to 120fps.


Excellent announcement but I am still disappointed the A6600 doesn't have at least a 3k EVF and a 2k LCD.

Fix the impossibly dark screen when shooting video. Fix the confusing menus. Fix first, then introduce new A6000 series products, Sony.

Next up, the a6700, a6800, a6900, a7000, a7100, a7200, a7300, a7400, a7500, a7600, a7700, a7800, a7900, a8000, a8100...


Give the people what they want!


I just saw Sony had a big announcement uncovering some mystery box. What??? This is NOT for the a7s III???? Lol.. why was this a press conference? They’re missing their golden opportunity after Panasonic’s FF 6K announcement yesterday and Blackmagic’s Super35 6K pocket cam just about a week ago. I would’ve seriously considered an a7s III because of form factor, full frame 4K, now in 10-bit (hopefully) and finally a solid, less-compressed codec to write this image to. 

I really hope this isn’t a 6K (why?) camera with 4:2:0, 8-bit color science and terrible codec with the need for an external recorder.