jaime traba

Jaime is a recording engineer and producer with a guitar pedal addiction. Professionally, he has worked with the likes of Grammy-winning songwriter Steve Mostyn, along with a wide scope of New York-based and international talent. When not trying to replicate Star Trek references into his writing for B&H, he’s an avid reader, guitarist, and general tech enthusiast. His mom thinks he’s pretty cool, too.

Latest Articles

2 years ago
Maybe you’re not yet familiar with Devialet. It’s a company that isn’t yet a household name in the audio game here in the US, but it has garnered an impressive reputation in its native Europe, as well as with the broader audiophile crowd, thanks to its high-end wireless home speakers
3 years ago
Shure’s SE line of earbuds has earned legions of loyal fans, thanks not only to their sound quality, but their detachable cables and MMCX connectors. That modular approach has allowed the SE line to find themselves at home everywhere, from the go-to choice of in-ear monitors used by countless pros onstage, to audiophile home listeners, to everyday commuters. However, wired is an increasingly…
4 years ago
I review headphones often enough for B&H and know what paces to put them through; I have my daily commute on the subway, my office environment, the gym, the interference-heavy labor-hood of midtown New York. An almost ideal labyrinth to put headphones through! I was excited to get a chance to run that labyrinth with…
4 years ago
Imagine audience members nestled in their seats, popcorn in hand, the lights dim, and music fills the theater. Goosebumps cover their skin as they feel... excitement, dread, happiness? They’re feeling what was expertly crafted after months of planning, meetings, discussions, first, second, third attempts, notes, revisions, editing, tweaking, etc. Scores are true labors of love. They can take on a…
5 years ago
There are few names in the music world that carry such weight and history as Marshall. If you’ve listened to any rock and roll music from the last 40 years or so, you’ve heard what this guitar amplifier and cabinet maker is known for. Marshall amplifiers have shaped the sound of many people’s youth, and if my current trajectory holds, my impending mid-life crisis. As if serving musicians and…
5 years ago
College: It’s many things. A first taste of independence. A time to learn and expand your circle of friends. An experiment in how long is socially acceptable to go without doing laundry. But for many, it means living away from home for the first time in your lives, and living away from the familiar sounds and noises of your homes and apartments. A whole new world of sounds and noises awaits you…
6 years ago
Occasionally, when a new product drops, my internal reaction is: finally. Often, you’re waiting for an update or new feature to be introduced that is, at least in your own mind, long overdue. This is exactly where I was at with the Audio-Technica ATH-M50xBT Bluetooth…
6 years ago
Like other offerings available in the 500 Series format, there is a wealth of compressors to select in this increasingly popular form factor. Ranging from unique and original designs to emulations and clones of some of the most classic compressors heard on countless albums and songs, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the choice. This piece will highlight some standouts. Chandler’s…
6 years ago
In the time I’ve been at B&H, I’ve been lucky enough to review many types of earphones from different manufacturers. Growing from my experience in Pro Audio, earphones are a bit of a passion of mine, because they are the crossroads between my love for audio and my love for consumer tech, so I couldn’t wait to get my hands on Shure’s new…
6 years ago
Audio in the age of iOS has its ups and downs. You have all the pros of a competent music capture and playback device that fits in your pocket. Generally speaking, iPhones are powerful enough to let you track and edit audio and video destined for YouTube, and, thanks to the processing power of the
6 years ago
The frequencies they are a-changing. If you followed the unfolding drama of the FCC Incentive Auction, in 2016 and 2017, this comes as no surprise to you. If "FCC Auction" doesn't hold special meaning to you yet, you need to prepare for some important news. Anyone currently using wireless systems that operate in the 600 MHz band should pay close attention to avoid breaking laws and proper…
7 years ago
iZotope is known for being adept at creating both creative and practical problem solving audio software; drop their name to a pro or home recorder, and they’ll think of their mastering suite Ozone, their problem solving restoration…
7 years ago
Shure has been on a mission recently to expand its footprint into the digital audio realm (with a bit of a focus on iOS), throwing the company’s reputation for pro audio and consumer headphones into new designs, such as the Motiv line of iOS-friendly microphones and the…
7 years ago
Like the Star Trek villain whose name is strikingly similar, the KANN Portable Music Player, from the folks at Astell&Kern, is engineered from the ground up to be better—an improvement on what we've come to expect (in this less nefarious case) from a digital music player. As we've replaced our MP3/digital audio…
7 years ago
The idea of having a variety of microphone preamps at your fingertips is, relatively speaking, a more modern advent in recording. The “golden era” of making records saw engineers using the preamps found in the console in the studio, and didn’t give much thought to mixing a Neve sound on the overheads while using APIs on the snare and toms. As more and more engineers (pro and hobbyist alike)…