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Darkroom Sinks & Accessories

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Using Darkroom Sinks and Other Accessories

If you're interested in creating a darkroom, you'll need a photo processing sink. Sinks are essential components of your darkroom, and it makes sense to select high-quality options. While some photographers build their sinks, specialized darkroom sinks have features designed specifically for photography.

What Are Darkroom Sinks Used For?

Much of the photo developing process happens at the photo processing sink. Since photo processing is a chemical procedure, sinks provide proper drainage when mixing chemicals. You'll also place various darkroom developing trays in the sink. These trays hold your stop bath, developer, fixer, and rinse.

Setting Up Your Darkroom Sink

You may require many different chemical solutions in the photo-developing process, so you'll need a sink that can hold multiple trays. You can choose a sink customized to the size specifications of your darkroom, or select one of the many available sizes. Sinks made from ABS plastic are chemical and rust resistant, and stainless steel is another heavy-duty option with similar properties. To set up your photo processing sink, you'll likely need a sink stand or cabinet. These stands work with plastic sinks, and they sometimes come with storage shelves. Custom or made-to-order stainless steel sink cabinets also provide additional storage.

Choosing Darkroom Accessories

To adequately prepare your darkroom for photo developing, you may want to upgrade your sink with various accessories. Plumbing installation packages provide you with faucets, drains, and everything else you'll need to get your darkroom sink up and running. You may choose to upgrade your plumbing with a water filter housing unit as unfiltered water can contain small particles and other impurities. Choosing high-quality water filter cartridges ensures your photos are of the highest quality.

If you're looking for top-notch photo processing sinks and other darkroom equipment, check out B&H Photo and Video's varied selection.