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Software & Tutorials

Choosing Productivity and Photography Software

Photography software is programming that allows you to do basic edits or create special effects on photographs. Depending on the software you select, a photography tutorial could be useful, especially for advanced options such as creating HTML galleries and vector graphics. Using photo imaging software designed for web use, you can create stunning graphics and edit photos specifically for use online. Other kinds of software are also helpful, such as audio and video software, and all systems benefit from antivirus software.

Benefits of Photography Tutorials

Most photo or video production software comes with a tutorial, and if you need further information, other very good tutorials are available. Photography tutorials offer advice on shooting, editing, enhancing, and processing photos. Learn how to remove backgrounds from photos, airbrush portraits to remove blemishes, or create special effects, all from the comfort of your home or office. There are tutorials for beginners, intermediates, and professional photographers, so you can start at your knowledge level. If you're a visual learner, try a photography tutorial DVD so you can pause or revisit information easily. Tutorials can also help you determine what photography software suits your personal or business needs and is compatible with your operating system.

Why Operating Systems Matter When Selecting Computer Software

An operating system (OS) controls a computer's memory, processes, hardware, and software by sending messages in computer language to coordinate functions. The OS breaks down information in a way that doesn't overburden the system and ensures each program receives the information it needs. Any software installed on a computer must be compatible with your current OS and hardware. Most software comes in both PC and MAC versions, but there are exceptions. Always remember to check OS requirements for software before making a purchase, to ensure compatibility.

Audio Software for Videos and Other Sound Mixing

You can polish video and voice recordings when you use audio software that provides options to reduce noise, apply filtering effects, and include background sound. If you're a musician who's looking to create demo CDs, music production software is beneficial for recording live music, editing and mixing, and layering sound. When using audio, photo, or video production software, don't overcorrect, as it creates unnatural sound and image quality.

Software That Protects Your Investment

Antivirus and security software will decrease the threat from outside sources such as hackers or malware, and protect all your computer programs and hardware. Malware includes viruses that destroy your hard drive, access your data, or gain control of your system.

B&H Photo and Video carries photo, audio, antivirus, and video management software, as well as other work or home-office software to complete your system. Browse through photo and audio software, book and DVD tutorials, and antivirus programs to find the best option for your needs.