The 3' Pocket Wizard Remote Camera Cable with Camera Power for Sony has a Multi/micro-USB connection and a USB Type-A on one end, and the other end has a 3.5mm stereo miniphone connection. The miniphone jack is compatible with any Pocket Wizard radio and plugs directly into the radio's synch port. The other end plugs into the camera's Multi/micro-USB port to establish a connection from the receiving radio to fire off the camera. This type of connection keeps the camera continuously awake and ready to fire at a moment's notice.
With a transmitting radio, the same miniphone connection is used, but the Multi/micro-USB connection is plugged into the compatible RM-VPR1 Remote Commander to send the signal when pressed. Half press function is available when using a Plus III as a transmitting radio and a Plus III or Plus IV radio as a receiving radio with Channels 17-32. Pre-trigger function is available when using a Plus III, MultiMAX, or MultiMAX II as a transmitting radio and a Plus III, MultiMAX, or MultiMAX II as a receiving radio with Channels 17-32. To supplement power to the camera, plug into the micro-USB port and the USB Type-A connection plugs into an external battery power to extend the camera's working capacity.