This 24 x 36" Open-End Flag Kit from Kupo is designed to be used handheld or supported with grip heads for various light modifications. The frames of the flags feature stainless steel construction and an integrated handle, and the open-end construction is favored by those who want a more gradual effect without shadows.
The kit includes six varieties of flags for various light manipulation requirements. Two black net scrims reduce the intensity of light that falls on a subject; a single net will reduce illumination by one-half stop, while a double net will decrease the light by a full stop. Black nets are preferred when controlling light and reducing ambient bounce, but this can be reintroduced by opting to use the included white scrims instead. For a fixture that is casting too hard of shadows for your frame, the two grades of diffusion silk soften the light and give an overall smoother effect. All of these scrims are built in the same fashion, with a steel 3/8" pin for rigging to standard grip hardware and a single open end to prevent the unintentional casting of shadows while modifying lights.