Musicians, producers, and sound designers looking for that classic MoogerFooger MF-108 sound will be thrilled with the Moog MF-108S Cluster Flux, a software recreation of the original groundbreaking effect that utilizes a dual-range Bucket Brigade Device (BBD) delay line designed for very short delay times and a multiwaveform Low Frequency Oscillator (LFO) capable of modulating the delay line for a variety of effects including Chorus, Flanging, and Vibrato.
Designed for guitar, voice, and synthesizer signals, the MF-108S Cluster Flux captures the subtle swirling and intense flanging sound of the original, but also the organic way in which the parameters interact to create a musical playing experience. With CV interconnectivity, stereo functionality, an extended feature set, the ability to run multiple instances, and presets, the MF-108S plug-in further tailors the classic Moogerfooger functionality to the modern digital creator.
- Type switches between normal stereo echo with the same delay time in each channel or a ping-pong bouncing stereo image delay.
- Tone affects the EQ, filtering, and grittiness of the delayed audio signal with legacy, analog, and modern settings.
- Timing can preserve tight digital timing or add loose timing instabilities.
- Out of Phase allows for numerous stereo routings, splitting dry and wet signals in the stereo field and creating phase-inverted outputs for deeper stereo imaging.
- The MF-108S offers virtual CV inputs for delay time, feedback, LFO rate, LFO amount, and mix, as well as the capability to attenuate or soften these modulations.