Eliminate the hassle of extra rigging on set for staging a remote-controlled lighting suite, with the professional-quality Cintenna Wireless DMX Receivers and Transmitters from Innovative Dimmers. Optimized for high-end cinema productions, the Cintennas are built to last with a cast-aluminum enclosure and are capable of transmitting one DMX universe of 512 channels up to a ¼ mile away. They manage this by leveraging the 2.4 GHz Lumen Radio CRMX Wireless Technology with intelligent frequency hopping that guarantees clean, smooth communication across great distances. Your setup can even be arranged with 128-bit encryption to nearly eliminate any issues from other nearby systems.
For versatility, the transmitters and receivers are available in a variety of configurations, including 3-pin XLR and 5-pin XLR options for connecting to your specific light. Also, users can pick between a 90° and a straight connection, with the 90° version also offering a swivel feature that allows the connector to turn 270° for compatibility with almost any light. The units are quite small, as well, measuring only 3.5 x 1.5 x 1.25", meaning they won’t take up space or weigh down your fixture. They feature LED indicator lights for double-checking the wireless connection and DMX signal.
Making things simple, the receivers are auto-sensing and will connect almost immediately when the one-press setup button is pressed on a transmitter. For power, these models are equipped with a 2.5mm 5-30 VDC input, and they can be set up with a variety of adapters, including a USB option for plugging directly into certain lights. With all of these capabilities, gaffers should find the Cintennas to be a clean and easy way to rig-up a universe of lights for wireless remote control.