Portrait Photography
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Finding the right mentor can provide you with the personal insight to push your work to new heights while challenging you. Join Sony Artisan of Imagery Chris Orwig for an introduction to the benefits mentorship and learn how look deep within yourself and create with purpose.
0:00 - Intro
1:19 - The purpose of mentors
9:06 - Chris's experience with his mentor
12:48 - How mentors can help
16:28 - How to find a mentor
21:50 - The experience of having/being a mentor
29:11 - Being aligned with your mentor
36:56 - Closing thoughts
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Choosing the right camera gear can feel overwhelming, especially when you're just starting out. Whether you're venturing into wildlife photography, launching a portrait business, diving into travel photography and videography, or exploring landscape photography, having the right setup is important. To help you navigate your choices, our resident photographers and videographers share their top gear recommendations based on their own experiences.
0:00 - Intro
0:25 - Portrait Overview
0:45 - Portrait Gear Under $500
1:36 - Under $800
2:22 -
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Is there such thing as the ultimate portrait lens? For Chris Orwig, one lens stands ahead of the pack when it comes to photographing portraits. Join us to see which lens he favors for those closeups and, more importantly, what makes it so perfect for portraits.
0:00 - Intro
3:40 - About Chris
5:30 - Portraiture is a process
7:15 - The Sony 85mm G Master lens & the Sony 24-70mm G Master lens
17:33 - Capturing moments with the 85mm G Master
27:50 - The opportunities that this lens can offer for different types of portraits
34:30 - Your
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Photographers have a magical ability to transport us to hidden worlds, giving us intimate access to facets of society that would otherwise go unnoticed.
Above photograph © Marcela Taboada
In today’s podcast, we sit down with Mexican photographer Marcela Taboada, whose long-term documentary projects offer revealing glimpses into under-recognized communities, for Picturing World Cultures.
Combining a passion for making pictures that let her “see backstage,” with a knack for “knocking doors” and the tenacity to win over resistant subjects,
So, your spouse has elected you official photographer of the family holiday party! Or maybe your boss volunteered you to shoot the office party? Or your kids put your name in the running as school party cameraperson. Regardless of the type of party you’ve been assigned (or volunteered) to photograph, here are some tips and tricks that will help you capture memories that will last a lifetime.
Right Gear for Your Holiday Party
As your party’s official
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In today’s podcast, we sit down with Mark Leong, a fifth-generation Chinese-American photographer, for Picturing World Cultures.
Above photograph © Mark Leong
From his arrival in 1980s Beijing on a one-year travel fellowship, to his decision to live and work there long-term over the following decades, we follow Mark’s path from his ancestral village to the Beijing art scene, and beyond.
He walks us through his experiences in documenting the massive cultural shifts as Chinese society transitioned from uniformity and limited choice to a realm of
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Want to up your portrait photography game? Lotta teaches you how to incorporate more interesting techniques in your next portrait photoshoot.
0:00 Intro
0:31 Filters
2:04 Props
3:08 Ambient Light at Night
3:54 What're Your Tips?
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Join Monica Sigmon for the first in her Sony Alpha Female Spotlight series, in which she interviews incredible, talented, difference-making female photographers from all genres! Monica is joined by fellow Sony Alpha Artisan of Imagery Brooke Shaden. They’ll discuss Brooke’s creative process, as well as her unique perspectives on life, death, love, and grief.
0:00 Intro
2:10 Brooke's bio summery
5:06 Why Brooke creates art for personal reasons vs for a public audience
10:50 Brooke's photos
19:37 Gear
21:18 Making art for herself and the impact
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Professional photographer Omar Gonzalez (@ongonzilla) shares why he loves using the Nikon Z6 III for his portrait photoshoots. Go behind the scenes as he captures senior portraits with the Z6III. You’ll learn how he utilizes this mirrorless camera, his on-location lighting setup, and more.
Click here to
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To harness the power of your lighting setups, you must understand how light works. Professional photographer Sarah Edmunds breaks down the light placement from her incredible portrait photoshoots.
0:00 Sarah Edmunds
0:56 In This Seminar & Gear List
6:48 Why Is Lighting Important?
7:10 Direction, Diffusion, Distance
7:58 Feathering
8:53 One-Light Setup
19:18 Two-Light Setup
25:25 Three-Light Setup & More
51:06 Guess the Setup
53:19 More from Sarah
53:53 Q&A
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Join Anne Geddes as she discusses her approach to photographing babies and newborns. You'll learn how to simplify your photoshoots, as well as how to never miss a moment.
0:00 - Intro
0:23 - Tip 1
1:17 - Tip 2
2:13 - Tip 3
4:22 - Tip 4
5:11 - Tip 5
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There are different types of travel portraits, and the lens focal length you choose affects the story you want to tell. Maria shows you how to go beyond the typical vacation snapshot through natural lighting, settings, focal length, and more.
0:00 In This Video
1:35 The Headshot
3:42 Telephoto Portraits
6:28 Wide-Angle Portraits
8:28 Super-Telephoto Portraits
11:06 Ultra-Wide Portraits
13:58 Self Portraits
16:06 Sunset Silhouette
17:14 What's Next?
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When it comes to portraiture lenses, Nikon’s versatile Z series includes several options that are ideal for portraiture. Now, what constitutes a “good” lens for portraiture can be a bit subjective, but there are some generally agreed-upon traits: normal or longer-than-normal focal length, bright maximum aperture, and characteristic rendering. With these bedrock traits in mind, here are the best Nikon Z lenses for portrait photographers.
NIKKOR Z 85mm f/1.2 S
The epitome of portrait lenses, the
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Learn how to plan your travel portraiture before your trip, such as finding locations, choosing your lenses, and packing other essentials.
0:00 - In This Video
0:45 - Research, Planning, & Location Scouting
4:57 - Camera & Lenses
13:50 - Accessories
18:49 - What Do You Need?
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Once you’re familiar with the basic concepts behind high-volume photography, the next logical step is to figure out what gear you need to purchase. That’s when the panic might hit. Suddenly you’re flooded with decisions about cameras, lenses, strobes, backdrops, barcode scanners, and more, each category including tons of different options at every conceivable price point. The goal of this piece is to isolate only the