Unveiled: New Canon Vixia Camcorders for 2016


Updating its consumer video products, Canon will be showing off some new products in the VIXIA line of camcorders. This line of products will now include the HF G40, HF R72, HF R70, and HF R700 models. Each one offers new features for the New Year.

The VIXIA HF G40 is the new flagship of the Vixia line, building on the HF G30 by adding the Wide DR gamma and Highlight Priority Mode. The Wide DR gamma, originally offered as a picture profile in many Canon Cinema EOS cameras, expands the overall dynamic range of the recorded image to 600% by compressing high-brightness areas. Practically, Wide DR prevents highlights from clipping when shifting the exposure higher, for cleaner shadow areas. Highlight Priority Mode provides an HDR-like image by manipulating the gamma curve of the recording to preserve information in the highlights and mid-tones, while providing saturated colors for a finished look. The Highlight Priority Mode is supported with a View-Assist function that allows you to expose your image correctly when using the onboard articulating 3.5" OLED monitor. Some notable features brought over from the HF G30 include a 20x zoom lens, 1080p60 recording in the edit-ready MP4 format, full manual control, built-in monitoring tools, Wi-Fi control, and dual SD card slots.

Canon VIXIA HF G40

The VIXIA HF R72 and HF R70 camcorders complement the HF R62 and HF R60 camcorders, respectively. They both feature built-in flash storage for recording without the need for an SD card. The HF R72 has 32GB of storage, while the HF R70 contains 16GB. Just like the HF G40, these camcorders feature the Highlight Priority Mode for an HDR-like image with saturated colors. A versatile, optically stabilized 57x Advanced Zoom (32.5-1853mm equivalent) combined with a 3.28 megapixel sensor enables the HF R70 and HF R72 to shoot high-quality images from up close or afar. These camcorders can record full-HD 1920 x 1080 video at frame rates up to 60p for smooth motion or for creating slow-motion clips in post production.

Canon VIXIA HF R72 Canon VIXIA HF R70

Finally, coming in both black and white variations, the Vixia HF R700 camcorders take after the VIXIA HF R600 models. The R700 features the same 57x Advanced Zoom from the HF R70/72 but only records to SD cards, for those not needing extra internal memory. The R700 also adds the Highlight Priority Mode as well for capturing realistic images with an HDR quality. Also like the HF R70 and 72, frame rates of up to 60p are available in full-HD 1920x1080 resolution, providing smooth motion for your footage or for slowing down the video in your editing system.

Canon VIXIA HF R700 White

The VIXIA line of camcorders covers a wide gamut of production, from home movie creation with the HF R700, HF R70, and HF R72, to event, corporate, and other forms of professional videography with the HF G40. So whether you need to capture memories for your home movie collection or working on more serious journalistic projects, one of these Vixia camcorders will fill the bill nicely.


Canon is not doing itself any good by neglecting 4K in its product lineup. With its competitors adding 4k capability to most, if not all their product lines, Canon may be condemning itself to the same fate that Kodak did by neglecting digital. I have been a lifelong Canon user, but Sony is looking better and better every year.

I agree, with the same experience. Releasing the 5Dr without 4K is an insult to faithful Canon users--you know they will release the updated version next year, but why? It feels very manipulative and that is a shame.. Sony's mirorless has similar MP and 4K video. And the quality is 

This looks like a very fine full HD camcorder... BUT... the market will talk and you will see, that the price will have to come down significantly due to lack of UHD / 4K... Canon will learn (hopefully) and we'll see a VIXIA G50 with similar specs, UHD / 4K added next year...

Hi paul,

I have got a Canon legria g30 it is very nioce camera and also I am using it underwater footages with Light and motion bluefin housing, do you think that they will produce 4k on Legria series if then maybe I might use it with my underwater housing too and I hope it will be compatible with it 

Canon is long over due for a 4k Camcorder. They have the XC series to fall under the C series pro cameras, but it is time for Vixia, XA, and XF series 4k Cameras. I'm doing my best to hold out, but I fear soon a Sony or Panasonic camera may be in my life, and I don't want that! 

So this camera has a tiny sensor and not even BSI?. Doesn't matter how “good” and “improved” the sensor is, a small sensor it’s a call for disaster in low light. I pass

its 3 yeard that tne market is the same only a few and useless change but the sensor and the optical zoom in stopped there isen't improvement, only power marketig for say a the custumer that cost xxx this fale improvement, think this camera for canon is  the best that marke can offer!