The MagiCue Pro Software is a Mac and PC compatible teleprompting application for the MagiCue Studio and LCD-version Presidential prompters. It offers a feature set best suitable for small studio setups. Incorporating a dual screen scrolling engine and supporting import of RTF and TXT files, it allows for on-the-fly revisions with functions such as undo and find-and-replace. It also supports Unicode text and color fonts and is compatible with select wireless controllers.
Your purchase provides you with a package containing instructions for downloading the software off the Web and a serial number for activation.
MagiCue Pro Software
- Dual screen scrolling engine
- Mirror secondary display
- Quarter size operator display
- Sensitivity control
- Import RTF
- Import TXT
- Black and white fonts
- Color fonts
- Full Unicode support
- Black and white background
- Find and replace function
- Wireless controller option
- Left/center/right text justification
- Undo function
- Variable line spacing
- Preset font size/color/style
- Foot pedal support