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Key Features
- Feature Set Best for Small Studio Setups
- Dual Screen Scrolling Engine
- Supports RTF and TXT File Import
- Supports Unicode Text and Color Fonts
The MagiCue Pro Software is a Mac and PC compatible teleprompting application for the MagiCue Studio and LCD-version Presidential prompters. It offers a feature set best suitable for small studio setups. Incorporating a dual screen scrolling engine and supporting import of RTF and TXT files, it allows for on-the-fly revisions with functions such as undo and find-and-replace. It also supports Unicode text and color fonts and is compatible with select wireless controllers.
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Is this 64-bit so that it will work on OS ...
Is this 64-bit so that it will work on OS Catalina?
according to the manufacturer this will work on Leopard OSX or newer versions of OSX up to Mavericks
Date published: 2020-09-11
does this software accept docx files?
This program supports RTF and TXT files. While it does not support DOCX files I'm sure it will be very simple to convert DOCX to RTF or TXT in a word processing program for use with the Magicue Pro Software.
Date published: 2020-07-03
What wireless controllers are compatible with ...
What wireless controllers are compatible with this software?
For the Magicue Pro Software for Studio & Presidential Prompters we recommend the Contour Design Shuttle-Xpress NLE Multimedia Controller:
Date published: 2022-02-07
What controllers work with this software and are ...
What controllers work with this software and are controllers universal between different softwares?
The Contour Design Shuttle-Xpress NLE Multimedia Controller (Black), B&H # COSXB, will allow you to control this software.
Date published: 2020-07-03
How many licenses for the $89?
How many licenses for the $89?
This is for a single license.
Date published: 2020-09-03
Can this software be used on a tablet or iPad?
Can this software be used on a tablet or iPad?
No, Mac and PC Compatible only
Date published: 2021-10-03
Dose this software support Arabic language text ?
No. This software does not support any of the script fonts. // Also, if there are any other technical or product related questions, feel free to contact us directly at any time at [email protected].
Date published: 2018-10-24
Does this work on Windows 10?
Yes. That is what I have on my computer here in the office, and it works fine. // Also, if there are any other technical or product related questions, feel free to contact us directly at any time at [email protected].
Date published: 2020-07-03