For powering your mobile devices while on the go, this 10,000W ProLine Power Inverter with Remote from WAGAN accepts 12 VDC input via a large two-prong connector. It provides 115 to 125 VAC at a frequency of 60 Hz via 4 standard three-prong sockets, matching typical US standards for both voltage and connection type. A wired remote is provided for convenient control over your power inverter.
Designed with safety in mind, this product is made with several failsafes in the event a problem occurs. It will sound an alarm when the input voltage is at 10.5V or lower, and automatically shuts down when the voltage goes below 10V or above 15V. At the back, a ground terminal allows you to install an optional safety wire while a built-in high-speed fan helps cool the equipment. If the temperature is excessive or the inverter is overloaded, it will also shut down and a small LED indicator near the outlets will turn red. Finally, a non-replaceable internal fuse helps protect your gear in case the equipment short circuits.