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Key Features
- Left or Right Handgrip with NATO Clamp
- Clamp on BMPCC 6K/4K or Z CAM Cage
- Slot Holds Samsung T5 SSD Inside Grip
- 1/4"-20 and 3/8"-16 Mounting Threads
Add a handgrip to your cage for the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K/4K or Z CAM E2 camera while using a Samsung T5 SSD with this NATO Handgrip from SmallRig. The handgrip's practical design provides a NATO clamp to attach to a NATO rail on the cage, and it allows you to insert the SSD right into a slot in the handgrip.
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Will this attached to the Tilta Cage for the ...
Will this attached to the Tilta Cage for the BMPCC 4K/6K?
In order to attach the SmallRig NATO Handgrip for Samsung T5 SSD to the BMPCC 4K/6K, you will need a NATO Rail.
Date published: 2021-08-20
Does this work with a small rig ZCam E2C cage?
Does this work with a small rig ZCam E2C cage?
yes it will work on any small rig cage that uses a NATO rail
Date published: 2020-07-21
Hello and a very wonderful morning. Is this ...
Hello and a very wonderful morning. Is this handle able to attach to the Zhiyun Crane 3S? :)))
No, this handle is mostly made to be outfitted to work with the small rig cages
Here is a link were you can see some compatible cages
Date published: 2021-08-17
Does it work with SanDisk SSDs?
Does it work with SanDisk SSDs?
no it is designed for the Samsung T5 ssd only
Date published: 2020-08-04
Is it compatible with the Samsung T7 SSD?
Is it compatible with the Samsung T7 SSD?
Yes the Samsung T7 fits. Needs a little modification inside the wood handle.
Date published: 2023-10-25
Will this work with the Lumix S5 cage #2983 ?
Will this work with the Lumix S5 cage #2983 ?
Yes it will
Date published: 2021-08-11
Where can I find the second handle bar, for the ...
Where can I find the second handle bar, for the right side of the camera?
This handle can be set up for use on the left or right side. For dual handles, you will need two of this unit.
Date published: 2020-06-24
Will the T7 lock securely in side the grip? I'm ...
Will the T7 lock securely in side the grip? I'm told it is slightly longer than the T5 which is not available anymore.
The SmallRig NATO Handgrip for Samsung T5 SSD will not be able to properly support the larger Samsung T7 SSD.
Date published: 2023-10-20