If you've ever been frustrated when photographing faceted, shiny, or polished items then the Light Cone x Karl Taylor for Phone from V-FLAT WORLD is your nearly effortless solution. A natural for e-commerce, catalog, and website photography, the cone-shaped diffuser starts as a flat, easily transportable sheet of translucent polypropylene that sets up instantly via the snap buttons along one side.
You can use any type of lighting, but once you drop the cone over your item, it's almost magically illuminated. With its 360° diffused light quality, shadows are opened up and reflections are rendered soft, smooth, and glowing. This version of the Light Cone has a base diameter of 14" for medium-sized items, is 12" high, and has a 1.5" diameter hole at its top for smartphone users who require a fast, beautifully lit shot for texting, emailing, or ecommerce.