Video: Introduction to Extreme Macro Photography


In the following video, Allan Weitz presents a handful of unique options for macro photography that deviate from the common and traditional macro lens. Beginning with the Canon MP-E 65mm f/2.8 1-5x Macro Photo Lens, Weitz delivers an overview of this high-magnification optic that permits focusing on subjects from 1:1 to 5:1 reproduction ratios. Second up is a profile of the Nikon PC-E Micro NIKKOR 45mm and Nikon PC-E Micro Nikkor 85mm tilt-shift lenses, which are unique in that they offer perspective control as well as a 1:2 magnification ratio. Following these dedicated options, the video goes on to survey extension bellows, extension tubes, close-up filters, and reversing rings as other viable options for macro shooting. We hope you enjoy the video, and invite you to view the wide selection of other instructional and informative videos at